Words cannot be seen, touch, tasted, it can only be heard, yet it stands so powerful. Our words are the pillars of our destiny. It collapse our lives or helps it stand. The earth itself is standing on the foundation of words, the word of God. Your life stands on the pillar of what you say too. Are you speaking the word about your issues. From scriptures, we are admonish to speak words that edifice. Words of edification works in two ways.
When you speak words that edifice, it builds the speaker and the hearer. A lot of people when they open their mouth to speak, they release catastrophe. Others speaks words that edifice to themselves and abuse others, truth is the words you say to others is as important as those you speak to yourself. For whatever you sow, you reap. So when you speak ill words to others, you actually speak to yourself. No wonder those that speak ill about their nation hardly succeed in that nation. What have you been been saying?
In summary, if we all can speak good words about ourselves, about the world, about our family and friends, about our businesses, imagine how easy and edified the world will be. Let's change our words and change our worlds.