The Golden Statement:
Time itself can't be seen but it shows many things.
To change your life, Change your Priorities. Don’t give equal time to all the work.
It’s not easy for any leaders, business owners, political personalities, CEOs to do all task and manage everything. We are going to learn how they manage their time, what is the strategy they follow and therefore they have endless growth.
Time is the one thing on earth, every living and nonliving being has equal portion. 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, 12 months in a year and 365 days in a year. Rich or poor, Prime minister of the country or an ordinary person, all have same time. And this is the same time used by focused people to acquire growth.
We are going to discuss 6 powerful strategies which have been being practiced by the all the top leaders of the world.
Prioritization — Strategies
4D Strategies
MosCow Method
Eat that Frog Technique
MIT Method
ABCDE Techniques
Prioritization — Strategies
(a) Equality is the wrong concept
Neither we are equal nor are our works equal. Fairness is the right concept. You need to be fair with everyone but be focused on the high priority areas.
(b) Focus on High Result Work on Priority
Be it a Watchman or a Manager of the company, be fair but your focus should be on the area which is resulting the most.
(c) Measurable Impact
A growth oriented person always thinks what is the impact of the work he/she is doing?
Impact on — Revenue, Cost, Customer Satisfaction etc.
Focused people get the work done more quickly. In an organization, everybody is busy with their work but very few are focused on the high priority areas.
Busyness will give you a false feeling of accomplishment.
People those who stay so busy all the time, must be asked this question:- Why are you so busy? What is the impact of your work? What is the outcome?
You don’t get paid for the time you spent. You get paid for the value you create.
The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule. But to schedule your priorities.
Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do.
- 4D Strategy
When you make a to do list, all your work have to be put in one of these four bucket.
(a) If the work is most important and going to give you high result, DO NOW.
(b) If the work is less important and will give low result, — DEFER — Do it later.
© If the work is very less important and will give result hardly, DELEGATE — Assign to others.
(d) If the work is not at all going to give any result and you are not sure about it, DELETE.
Most result and growth are achieved not by doing all the work but by doing limited work.
You need to categorized all your work and do that first which will give growth to you, to your organization, and to your family.
- MoSCow Method
Must Do — Should Do — Could Do — Want to Do — Won’t Do
(a) Must Do: You must do the work which is most important and is giving most result. Non-Negotiable.
(b) Should Do: Less important — Can be done later. Not immediate.
© Could Do: Optional, Do it now or later.
(d) Want to Do: The work you like the most — but it is not necessary now.
(e) Won’t Do: Do not do it. This work will keep you busy but not productive.
Absorb what is useful and reject what is Useless.
Accept the favorable and reject the unfavorable.
Focus on being productive instead of being busy.
Eat That Frog
I believe nobody in the world would like to eat frog. Let us suppose, if you are in a situation and you have eat the frog anyway.
When would you like to eat the frog? In breakfast? In lunch or in dinner?
If you have made your mind to eat frog in dinner, then it’s the worst decision and you can’t stay productive whole day. You will be tense throughout the day because you have to eat the frog in dinner.
But if you have eaten the frog in your breakfast, you will be relaxed and productive throughout the day.
Here the frog means the most difficult task of your schedule but very important and result oriented. Therefore complete this work first in the morning hour when you are most active.
Start your day by doing the most burdensome task.
Get a very clear goal
Set deadline
Organize and take action.MIT Method
Most Important Task
Do you make to do list before sleeping? Write down the most important tasks you have for tomorrow. At least 7 tasks. And then rank the most important one as number 1 task, less one as number -2 and so on. Next morning you need to act accordingly.ABCDE Technique
Start your day with a master list. Write all the single task as:-
Non Critical:-
Not Important:-
After writing, categorize them as — ABCDE
(A) Significant Consequences — Growth Oriented.
Create urgency factor in this task.
(B) Mildly Negative Consequences
If you don’t do or miss it, this will have less impact in your growth.
(C) No Penalty
If you don’t do it, there is nothing impact. No Problem.
(D) Delegate
You don’t have to do this task, instead you need to find someone who can do it for you.
(E) Eliminate
Neither have you to do nor someone.
To manage time doesn’t mean that you have to do more and more tasks. You only need to do the most important tasks.
Reason most goals are achieved is we spend our time doing second most important task.
Worst use of time is doing something very well that didn’t need to be done at all.