What's been going on throughout time, here is what is known. . .

in timetravel •  3 years ago  (edited)

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Facebook Frames, Check out Barron Trump! Are there parallels to a book written in Victorian Times about journey's, portals and tunnels? You decide with the evidence that is out there!" #WhatLiesBeneath, What do we know, what is proven?
Little Barron was only 10 when going to White House originally!
Now 14 he sure resembles a certain Military School Cadet who stood front and center years ago before an important sign

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A recording obtained by The Washington Post captures what New
York reporters and editors who covered Trump’s early career
experienced in the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s: calls from Trump’s
Manhattan office that resulted in conversations with “John Miller” or
“John Barron” — public-relations men who sound precisely like
Trump himself — [some claim] who indeed are Trump, masquerading as an
unusually helpful and boastful advocate for himself, according to the
journalists and several of Trump’s top aides.

In 1991, Sue Carswell, a reporter at People magazine, called Trump’s
office seeking an interview with the developer. Within five minutes,
she got a return call from Trump’s publicist, a man named John
Miller. Here is a transcript of that call. Audio is available here:

Hear footage here,

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Where I see it. . .they are simply Claiming with no evidence that it was Donald Trump posing under these names, where is their Evidence? Why are they able to make Claims as if they are true and the leftists Believe them, yet all of us on the side of Good and Truth Provide Evidence and vetted info? Why the blatant dichotomy?. . .


Interesting they are calling it an Open Secret when THAT was when many leftists were found supporting both in the women's sexual harassment exposure concerning Weinstein AND in the documentary called Open Secret concerning the parties and child sex abuse in the Hollywood and Entertainment industry.

See a video here which YT didn't want left up. Fully sourced and now archived on Bitchute.


Part 2 can be seen here

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This time frame is interesting because. . .This Also happened in 1991 along with JFKjr.'s disappearance.
Hear President Trump refer to a letter from JFKjr. dated After the plane crash and Larry King appears to fumble the date with 2 other tries. Princess Di, Prince Andrew and Trumps in the UK


Some claims are that John Titor is also one of President Trump's Pseudonyms.

You will have to decide for yourself.

The claim is that in 2011 someone stated. . .10 years ago on November 2. ..so 2001 someone by the name of John Titor appeared on backboards saying he was from the year 2036.

  • Claimed to be a time traveler
  • Offered to answer questions
  • Talked about the future
  • Future Technology
  • How time travel worked
  • For 3 months the poster answered questions, then announced he was going to leave {by 3.2001 announced they were leaving] and were never heard from again.

Much of what this person said has come to pass concerning the physics, technology and information that was conveyed.

Many believe the person as they claimed to be. . .really was a time traveler.
Now let's not forget All the shows in Hollywood and the entertainment industry obsessed with this.

Take for example the Back to the Future Series
How about. . .

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If you watch this show you will see it involves time travel and a certain machine or piece of technology.

Have you seen
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One of the siblings is a time traveller and even covers a group of travelers with a suitcase that has the device for said time traveller.

This series very reminiscent of this
Resident Evil matches a logo from a lab in China called Shanghai Ruilan Bao Hu San Biotech? Umbrella? Is this blue against red? Who was Camelot? Who will win in the battle and who is really Fighting The Good Fight? Do you have Faith of the Heart?


What about

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Stargate old an new

How about Quantum Leap?

Have you seen the series. . .

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Very interesting as the main character goes back in time to try to save JFK from getting shot.

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John Titor was even on the Radio show with Art Bell and faxed over information regarding his tech.

John Titor - Art Bell Coast to Coast AM 4/5/2000 Time Travel

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Interesting the feed at the bottom and what it signaled from this NSNBC report

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Titor said he needed to go back to 1975 to get one of the first IBM computers made in Rochester, MN.
They needed it in the future because it had the ability to communicate between very large mainframe IBMs.


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First computer to sing - Daisy Bell

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Guess where I have heard that song before?
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He collects from artists that like this. . .

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Mark Ryden as stated on his site. . .Large-eyed waifs and larger-eyed snow yaks. Abraham Lincoln’s severed head resting on a child’s bed. Jimi Hendrix standing Christ-like on a giant steak. These strange and surreal images populate Mark Ryden’s paintings. Critics consider the 48-year-old painter a member of the so-called Lowbrow movement, an underground, populist, and pop-culture-infused art scene with its origins in 1970s Southern California.

Meat is a recurring theme for Ryden,a child clutches a handful of balloons that aren’t balloons at all but hunks of red meat, a girl poses in a formal dress made of meat, a butcher with bunny ears slices ham with a handsaw.

Mark Ryden spent two years on the Memory Lane diorama in "The Gay 90's: West
haughty, well-dressed dolls; and Abe Lincoln's head painted pink and put on a baby's naked body.
the craft invites you to accept the content without necessarily questioning it.
I believe elitists will say we’re not superior as they are and that’s why We Don’t Get it.
What I do get is there is a Sickness Here!

Here is the diorama Memory Lane [Note the song]

Creepy as all heck!

Go here to see still shots from the video and more of the luciferian, clearly predatory art that sadly many leftists justify.


Basic APL

APL (named after the book A Programming Language) is a programming language developed in the 1960s by Kenneth E. Iverson. Its central datatype is the multidimensional array. It uses a large range of special graphic symbols[4] to represent most functions and operators, leading to very concise code.

A mathematical notation for manipulating arrays was developed by Kenneth E. Iverson, starting in 1957 at Harvard University. In 1960, he began work for IBM where he developed this notation with Adin Falkoff and published it in his book A Programming Language in 1962.

A key development in the ability to use APL effectively, before the wide use of cathode ray tube (CRT) terminals, was the development of a special IBM Selectric typewriter interchangeable typing element with all the special APL characters on it. This was used on paper printing terminal workstations using the Selectric typewriter and typing element mechanism, such as the IBM 1050 and IBM 2741 terminal. Keycaps could be placed over the normal keys to show which APL characters would be entered and typed when that key was struck. For the first time, a programmer could type in and see proper APL characters as used in Iverson's notation and not be forced to use awkward English keyword representations of them.

Many APL symbols, even with the APL characters on the Selectric typing element, still had to be typed in by over-striking two extant element characters. An example is the grade up character, which had to be made from a delta (shift-H) and a Sheffer stroke (shift-M). This was necessary because the APL character set was much larger than the 88 characters allowed on the typing element, even when letters were restricted to upper-case (capitals).

APL gained its foothold on mainframe timesharing systems from the late 1960s through the early 1980s, in part because it would support multiple users on lower-specification systems that had no dynamic address translation hardware.

Early IBM APL interpreters for IBM 360 and IBM 370 hardware implemented their own multi-user management instead of relying on the host services, thus they were their own timesharing systems.

The ability to programmatically communicate with the operating system for information and setting interpreter system variables was done through special privileged "I-beam" functions, using both monadic and dyadic operations.

In 1973, IBM released APL.SV, which was a continuation of the same product, but which offered shared variables as a means to access facilities outside of the APL system, such as operating system files. In the mid-1970s, the IBM mainframe interpreter was even adapted for use on the IBM 5100 desktop computer, which had a small CRT and an APL keyboard, when most other small computers of the time only offered BASIC.

Some IBM executives verified that all John Titor had said about the machine was True!
They verified only about 20 people were aware due to the marketing issue at the time, they didn't want people of that time period to know the machine was that versatile because it would diminish their business.

Time described time as not a straight line, but rather a network of strings of different possibilities.

Two time lines can be identical and exist in the same moment on the time space continuum if their variable is 0%, another can be slightly different or exist at different dates with less than 1% variance.

The more you travel in time the more things change in this variance due by the limitations of his device.

It is impossible to return from the time you originally leave from.

Due to the multiverse, there is the high probability that another version of you will arrive in your time line.

Because of this instability, there's a chance that a series of events will not unfold quite the same way in another universe even without interference from a time traveler.

Time travel, especially rudimentary ones are not without side effects.

At the end of the 4chan postings, the user reluctantly admits to being the future Baron Trump.

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Search domain en.wikipedia.orghttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Günther_Quandt
Günther Quandt (28 July 1881 - 30 December 1954) was a German industrialist who founded an industrial empire that today includes BMW and Altana (chemicals). His descendants were ranked as the wealthiest Germans by Manager Magazin in 2014. Early life. He was born in Pritzwalk in Germany, the son of Emil Quandt



Torsion Physics

God Code Deciphered #3 * Star Tetrahedron * Merkabah * Sacred Geometry Revelation!

Barron Trump Time Travel Conspiracy: John Titor

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John Trump died the year I was born, 1985, how odd.

Yes! Incredible!

I want to read those forums from 2001. I need to find them. I don't care if the man claiming to be from 2036 is a fraud or not Trump or perhaps not from the future or whatever the case might be. I want to study what was written.

Me too Joey!
What have you found so far?

Check replies inside of the following also and feel free to drop more info!
