Lets look at the possibility that Donnald Trump could possibly be a time traveler.

in timetravel •  8 years ago 

Around the year 2000 a man wrote a fax to Coast to Coast AM, and he claimed to be a time traveler.  This man said that his name was John Titor and he was from the year 2036.  He claimed that he worked for the military and he was sent back to the year 1975 (ish) to retrieve an IBM computer that had the ability to preform some function that was needed in 2036.  I might write about some of the things that John said at a later time, but to keep it short he said some very convincing things (like the model of an IBM that he was talking about, after JOHN dissapeared from chat forums computer specialists steped foward and confirmed that John was talking about design features that IBM had kept secret)  And people might have John to thank for the whole Y2K thing going up in smoke.

But I brought the subject up because I was visiting an internet forum a few months ago and read something about Donnald Trump being John Titor.  They said look at the mans name Donnald (Deffinately) J. (John) Trump (Titor), and a guy replied "quit it man your freaking me out" and I thought that was funny

Anyway the below video talks about a possible connection between the Trump family and an old book

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This is pretty weird. I've been watching a few videos about it on YouTube and I've been doing a little research on the author Ingersoll Lockwood and I found something strange at ancestry.com. it seems that his grandparents have birth dates and death dates recorded.. but his parents and his 7 brothers and sisters have only birth dates while he has a birth date and a death date recorded so in one family nine members have no known date of death but only the author of this book.

I think that it is interesting that Donnald Trumps uncle? managed to receive Teslas notes. And I thought I heard that Donald Trump received access to the notes...and we bot know that Nicholas Tesla was beynd his peers (he knew ome weird stuff!) :)