Titanium ICO - The UBER of Technology!

in titanium •  7 years ago 

Dear Colleague,

Imagine this catastrophic scenario...

A small van loaded with an EMP driving through Virginia,near Washington Dulles international airport. A singleEMP (electro-magnetic-pulse) in this area could wipe outthe entire internet!

Now, when that reality sets in... you see how centralizationcreates "weakness" in terms of vulnerability to attack(or abuse of control), let's look at a potential solution...

First, before I share the proposed solution, let me share astory about my personal experience.  A company calledRackspace used to host my company website for CompleteAscentials.

The price for the hosting -- $359.00 per month. Yes, thatis a monthly price for their cloud-based service.  This wastwo years ago, it may have gotten steeper since then.  I dropped them, so I'm not sure.  

Here's the big elephant in the room: major companieslike Azure, Amazon, Rackspace, and others, centralizeinternet traffic (70% of the world's internet traffic) throughthis area in Virginia.

Why?  It allows them to get around $40 - 50 Billionper quarter!  Centralization is akin to monopolization.  At the expense of vulnerability and the pocket-book ofcompanies or individuals using these cloud-basedservices.

So, picture a reality where a company comes along...riding on the Ethereum blockchain (dubbed as 'internet 3')to provide cloud-based services, at a fraction of the price.

The Uber of Technology!

Here's what this looks like...  200,000 nodes (computers)spread out across the globe, mitigating the "attack-risk"as well as providing rock-solid UPTIME for cloud-basedservices - busting up the monopoly.  

As the founder says, "it's the Uber of Technology".

Now, this next piece you may find relatively fascinating...if you have been following my emails for some time now.

Not only is this new ICO-launch on target to deliver theirfirst-version product by March of 2018, pitching it to Disney,Verizon, and INTEL... as in, this is a fast-moving project thatcould make the ICO "J-Curve" collapse into a hockey-sticklooking parabolic upswing...

The company's founder is also a new advisor to Electroneum.  As you know, I advised you to look into Electroneum when itwas early in the bonus stages of ICO -- producing almost25X returns at its peak.  

Before I tell you about this new company, let me explainthis peak I'm talking about and clarify the "J-Curve" Imentioned a moment ago...

When Electroneum launched, it reached a peak of about 10cents per token.  Think of this as the first upswing(making the arc in the letter 'J' on the left side).  

Next, Electroneum dipped to around 3 cents for some time...barely holding on... slowly pushing to 5 cents.... trying toclimb its way back up.  This is the phase of an ICO wherepeople DUMP and speculators move out of the project.  (Think of the 'J' where it dips after the first arc on the left).  

When the project starts to come to fruition or announcementsare made about new exchanges, etc., the parabolic phase(going into the hockey-stick pattern) of the 'J' begins toappear - IF the project is successful.  i.e., the right sideof the 'J'.  This is where Electroneum shot up to 20cents per token.  

Back to our new project, it's called TITANIUM.  Here's alink for more information, click here.  In my opinion, thedisruptive nature of this project gets me very excited!  Thefact that a working product is near completion, meansthe 'J-Curve' could happen shortly after ICO-launch...

Now, with all this said, I'm not recommending you investin this ICO.  I'm not recommending you do not invest inthis ICO, either.  I'm not your financial advisor and thisis not financial advice.  This is a very bold project thatwon't be easy to pull off, I'll be honest.  

Yet, at the same time, I'm suspecting the CEO MichaelStollaire is going to take this company to fortune 500 status-- just like he claims will happen.  Also, the new partnershipbetween Electroneum and Michael Stollaire (advisor)could be new juice for the Electroneum project, if you'reholding still.  

Titanium, known as TBIS, can be found here - click here now.

Your correspondent,

Matthew David Hurtado
1-888-550-8231 (9 a.m - 4 p.m.)

P.S.  You require an ERC-20 wallet to store Titanium BAR Token.  ERC-20 means: it is built on Ethereum, the tokens are stored in anEthereum wallet.  There are directions to set this up on Titanium's website.  Another option is to use a Ledger Nano S Ethereum wallet, openingit with MyEtherWallet.  

P.P.S.  If you read my last email, I wrote about how "infrastructure"(I call them picks and shovels) opportunities are the big plays I see inthe crypto-space.  I recommend looking into Titanium if you are anICO-investor and have decided to do your own due-diligence onthis project.  

P.P.P.S.  YES!  Americans are able to participate in this ICOHere is an article with more info, if you're interested in a morein-depth analysis of Titanium.

*This is not financial advice, nor am I a financial advisor.  This informationis for entertainment purposes only.  Do your own due-diligence.  As anadult, you already know that any project could result in you experiencinglosses or gains.  I'm not responsible for your decisions or actions basedon the information herein this email.

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