TNI Build Roads Inter-Village Gardens

in tni •  7 years ago 

The hardening of Gampong Lae Riman road, Simpang Kanan is the pre-Army of Manunggal Building Village (TMMD) to 100 Kodim 0109 Aceh Singkil.

"Implementation of TMMD both physical and non physical only 30 days from 27 September to 27 October.So to pursue physical completion targets, it is implemented Pre TMMD," said Lieutenant Colonel Kav Kapti Hertantyawan, Dandim 0109 Singkil, Friday (22/09/2017) .

Dandim said, the location of Gampong Lae Riman has done the work of road hardening to connect to Gampong Silatong as well as making a soccer field in the gampong.

Head of Kampong Lae Riman Suhendra said the current condition of the gampong road is very worrying. Residents are often difficult to get the results of the garden. Because the road conditions are often waterlogged and muddy, he said.

Meanwhile, for the preparation of TMMD at Gampong Lae Riman which will connect Gampong Silatong Kecamatan Simpang Kanan, currently the Regent of Aceh Singkil Dulmusrid with Dandim 0109 Singkil, Head of Public Works and Head of Food Crop Agriculture are following the meeting and coordination in Iskandar Muda (IM) "the Dandim said.

Target Physical Target TMMD 100 in Aceh Singkil District includes, the opening of the road from Gampong Lae Riman to Gampong Silatong along 1100 meters. Hardening of Gampong Lae Riman Road to Gampong Silatong along 2,900 meters. Preparation of 2 point bridge concrete plate. Construction of culverts at two points. Making Field of Lae Riman Village and Making of 100 meter length.
Furthermore, the non-physical activities of TMMD targets include, social activities of mass treatment, Drugs counseling, agricultural extension and counseling about family planning and health.

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