in to •  2 years ago 

The spirit of animals wants to become human, and the human wants to become divine, the Consciousness travelling from lower to higher life, thus when we bless our food we welcome the spirit to move up from an animal to human form and by way of our awaken awareness we bring it to the divine unity where the souls and spirits can rest in peace upon completion of the ascension journey.

That is why animals do not usually eat humans and the humans eat usually the animals, animals eat plants, plants eat minerals provided by the fungi and the fungi is consuming the minerals and the mineral kingdon is sustained by the quantum field of spacetime continuum. Obviously the spirit is not going to be happy when it is being moved in the wrong dirrection or for the wrong reasons.

Eating veggies is even lower lifeforms than eating animals, and one cannot attain ascension by skipping a step or discriminating what sorts of spirits one wants to help out to ascend. No one is left behind. Besides the point, what is that higher Consciousness other than raised lower self, not killed but ascending from Chaos to Holy Unity.

Sure the desires of lower self should be dropped but that does not mean to stop eating, since all life below human kingdom is a lower form of Consciousness, thus it is human purpose to be sustained by its predecessors, the lowers kingdoms of animals, plants, fungi, and minerals, in order for the holy spirit to be raised and ascend to the capstone of life. By not eating the animals you are not doing them nor yourself a favour, albeit everything in moderation and with proper intent and integrity.

All life below human is a lower life, that does not mean that we stop eating, it is how you eat and what that is important. One has to eat what one needs to eat, and different circumstance and people will need to eat only what is appropriate for their specific situation. Sometimes the souls travel backwards in evolution for whatever reason however most travel up and forward. If one only wants to eat veggies then maybe being a herbivore animal is a better life then.

Do you really think that you are so separate of a being from the rest of the kingdoms that you can call yourself higher life form yet forget whence yee came from and to be so aloof as to not allow animal spirits to reach you on your way to ascension leaving them behind for no good reason other than ew I don't eat lower life. Sure you don't, you only eat air, hot air that is with oodles of rhetoric. THERE IS NO UNIVERSAL DIET. Sweetheart. Enough Said. High Priest, god Ptah. <3

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