Tobacco and your health ???

in tobacco •  8 years ago 


Most people who smoke have breathing problems and high risk of lung cancer. Smoking is also a major risk factor for many cardiovascular diseases.

Smoking is the number one cause of preventable illnesses leading to death.
Smoking is one of the major causes of cardiovascular disease that may be associated with premature death. According to the American Association of Cardiology, smoking is one of the most important preventable causes that can lead to death.

What is the relationship between smoking and cardiovascular disease?
Smoking is the major cause of arteriosclerotic plaque formation - consisting of fat collection in the artery. Arterosclerosis occurs when the normal arterial structure is destroyed, the artery wall walls and fatty deposits and arteriosclerotic plaques block the flow of blood flow through the arteries. In coronary arteries that supply the heart with blood, arteriosclerosis narrows the diameter of the blood vessel by reducing the amount of blood rich in oxygen supplying the heart, especially in conditions of increased physical activity. This causes chest pain (pectoral angina) or other symptoms. Coronary artery disease can lead to cardiac attack.

In peripheral arteries, arteriosclerosis affects arteries that supply blood to the arms and legs. Consequently, the patient may have foot pain during walking (the symptom is known as intermitent claudication). Suburban artery disease increases the risk of cerebral vascular injury (AVC).


What is the connection between smoking and cardiac arrest?
The risk of a man getting a heart attack increases with increasing number of cigarettes and time in (months - years) of smoking. Those who drink a pack of cigarettes a day have 2 times more risk of cardiac asthma compared to those who do not smoke.

What is the relationship between smoking and oral contraceptives?
Women who smoke and use oral contraceptives at the same time increase the risk of contracting coronary and peripheral arteries more often than those who do not smoke and who take oral contraceptives.

What other health conditions are related to smoking?
Cigarettes contain many toxic substances, such as nicotine, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, etc. There are about 4,000 substances with different toxicity, including 43 known as carcinogens.

How does smoking affect others? Tobacco does not just affect smokers; When you smoke people near you are at risk of developing health problems, especially children. Smoke smoke (known as passive smoking) affects people who are often near smokers. Passive smoking can cause respiratory illness, lung cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Smoking causes:

  1. lowering oxygen in the heart and in other body tissues.
  2. Reducing work ability.
  3. lowers the level of HDL cholesterol (good fat).
  4. Increases blood pressure (HTA) and cardiac frequency.
  5. Increases the risk of developing coronary artery disease and cardiac stroke.
  6. Increases the risk of developing peripheral artery disease and AVC.
  7. Increases the risk of developing lung cancer, bronchi and trachea.
  8. Increases the risk of developing bronchial asthma, chronic bonkititis, pulmonary emphysema.
  9. Increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus.
  10. Increases your risk of stomach ulcers.
  11. Increases the risk of creating blood clots.
  12. increases the risk of recurrence of coronary artery disease and surgical interventions (aorto-coronary bv-pass).
  13. Increases the risk of lung disease, especially in children or other people, who are passive smokers (absorb smoke from smokers).


What is the benefit of smoking cessation?

Now that you know how harmful it is to smoking for your health and to others around, I will explain how useful is smoking cessation.

If you quit smoking then you will:

  1. Live longer. If you smoke around 35-39, then you will
    To add your life about 6 to 9 years. If you smoke around the age of 65-69, your expectation for life is increased by 1-4 years.
  2. Reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Smoking cessation e
    Reduces the risk of cardiac arrest and cardiac death by 50%.
  3. Risk of HTA, AVC, peripheral artery disease.
  4. Lower the risk of developing diabetes, various lung diseases,
  5. Feel better.
  6. Look more beautiful. Smoking cessation prevents the appearance of wrinkles on
    Face, tooth decay, improves your skin and removes the bad smell of your clothes and hair.
  7. Improve the ability to enjoy and smell.
  8. Save money.


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please stay away from Tobacco
stay healthy and wealthy

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