πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”₯[BOUNTY] KARATCOIN | Straight to Gold Mines | $2,000,000 πŸ”₯πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”΄

in todaybounty β€’Β  6 years agoΒ 



$ 2 million USD available for this bounty program!

Karatcoin is holding an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) between September 3, 2018, and November 11, 2018.

We would like to provide our supporters with an opportunity to be rewarded for generating awareness of our project with our coin, the Karatcoin DAO Token (KCD).
A total of 20,000,000 KCD are available for the bounty program, each KCD is worth $0.1 USD.

At the end of the ICO will be randomly extracted 23 tickets by unique users. 1 ticket every $200 USD deposited here for buying our tokens.
23 commemorative Icosahedron Karatcoin of 100g. 999,9 fine gold, each one worth over $6,000 USD.

Don't miss our latest updates!
Join our bounty announcement channel: https://t.me/KaratcoinBounty

White Paper

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Global Rules

All Participants must
1. Join our Official Telegram Group
2. Join our Bounty Group
3. Register your Karatcoin wallet address
4. Karatcoin reserves the right to adjust the reward amount, depending on the number of applicants in each of the bounty campaigns.
5. Any application with improper information will be disqualified without notice (ie wrong Karatcoin address, etc.)
6. Stakes are calculated internally but will be disclosed at the end
7. When bounty ends, you will have 2 WEEKS for any questions/complaints
8. By signing up for the bounty, you accept these terms

If you have any Bounty related question then ask in the Telegram Bounty group.
Submission of work on or before last day of the current week

Important: For Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Telegram and VK campaigns, you have to submit work weekly on this thread.

Please don’t edit the same post weekly.
You MUST submit new work through new posts every week.


Week 1: 6 September - 12 September
Week 2: 13 September - 19 September
Week 3: 20 September - 26 September
Week 4: 27 September - 3 October
Week 5: 4 October - 10 October
Week 6: 11 October - 17 October
Week 7: 18 October - 24 October
Week 8: 25 October - 31 October
Week 9: 1 October - 7 November
Week 10: 8 November - 11 November

How to get your Karatcoin wallet address
1. Go to https://karatcoin.dreammy.io/register and Sign Up.
2. After registration, login to your account and your wallet address is just on the dashboard as shown below:


BOUNTY CAMPAIGN: 20 000 000 KCD to be divided according to the stakes accumulated among all the selected participants.

The Bounty Program starts on September 6th, 2018 and will end at the same time as our ICO ends, this could be on November 11th, 2018 or before that time (if tokens are sold out).

β€œTasks” will be checked regularly and stakes will be allocated as per quality of the work.

Each person can only participate with one account at the time in the Bounty Program. Persons with double registered accounts or multiple accounts will be banned from the Bounty Program.

All rewards for any Bounty Program activities are in KCD tokens only.

If you are disqualified for any reasons, you will NOT receive any KCD tokens. There will not be any correspondence about this.

The number of KCD you will receive will be shown in the spreadsheet. This spreadsheet will be updated regularly.
If you do not see your KCD, please wait for the next update, or fill out this form https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LZeb1phM3SfUw40_lBfFUvCCxii0YGNFOjeLegqmz60.

Coins will be allocated to your Karatcoin wallet after the Bounty Program has ended, within 5 weeks after the end date of the ICO.

KCD tokens will be distributed in the following 11 campaigns

Signature campaign (15%)
Translation (6%)
Facebook (7%)
Twitter (7%)
Reddit (7%)
Telegram (7%)
Article/blog (20%)
Video (20%)
Linkedin (5%)
Medium (3%)
VK (3%)

Jr. Member: 1 stake
Member: 3 stakes
Full Member: 5 stakes
Sr. Member: 10 stakes
Hero/Legendary: 20 stakes
Avatar: 1 stake

1. Newbies are not allowed to join
2. Signature and avatar/personal text (https://karatcoin.co) must be kept until the stakes have been calculated after the end of the campaign.
3. Posts with less than 75 characters will not be counted
4. Make 10+ posts per week. We will count a maximum of 4 posts per day.
5. Accounts with negative trust ratings are not accepted.
6. Off-topic, spam and meaningless posts will not count. We will not count posts that have bounty submissions.

How to join
1. Join our Official Telegram group https://t.me/KaratcoinGroup
2. Join our Bounty Telegram group https://t.me/KaratcoinBounty
3. Sign up follow the link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19dvdbbXxndI_Kis7lfq0njQsTTfCj1JnT2bEBygeRKM

Check your status here: Spreadsheet


Jr. Members


Full Members

Sr. Members

Hero/Legendary Members

1. 1st submission: 50 stakes
2. every other submission: 25 stakes

1. The Blogs and Sites accepted to obtain the rewards are Medium, blogger, WordPress, personal websites, third-party websites and any website that is strictly related to cryptocurrencies.
2. The posts and articles published must contain a minimum of 500 words, ICO logo and be clear, concise and explanatory
3. The posts and articles must contain 1 link to ANN or Bounty thread, 3 links to ICO, 1 link to your own BitcoinTalk profile
4. Plagiarism or use of spam or copied publications, unfavorable for ICO, will be considered as invalid submissions.
5. Content can be in own language
6. Maximum of 5 submissions per user

How to join
1. Join our Official Telegram Group
2. Join our Bounty Group
3. Fill this form

Check your status

1. 1st submission: 50 stakes
2. every other submission: 25 stakes
3. Subscribe: 10 stakes
4. 1 like: 10 stakes
5. 1 comment: 10 stakes

Additional stakes per subscriber count per video:
1000+ subscribers: 10 stakes
5000+ subscribers: 25 stakes
10000+ subscribers: 35 stakes
20000+ subscribers: 50 stakes

Every 1000 views, we add 10 stakes.

1. Subscribe to our Youtube Channel
2. Fill in the Form
3. Watch, like and comment on all our videos.
4. Describe our project (check out our White Paper) and its features
5. Upload them to YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo etc. (any video platform but with an Alexa rank lower than 50K)
6. Must have at least 200 subscribers
7. You will get stakes based on the quality of your videos. The number of stakes assigned is non-negotiable.
8. Plagiarism or use of other's material will be considered as an invalid submission
9. Maximum of 5 submissions per user
10. Videos must be at least 1 minute 30 seconds long.
11. The description of the video must contain at least one link to our website and one link to the Whitepaper.
12. The description must also contain a link to your Bitcointalk profile in order to prove your authorship.

How to join
1. Join our Official Telegram Group
2. Join our Bounty Group
3. Fill this form

Check your status

1. 300-2000 Followers/Friends: 10 Stakes per week.
2. 2001-5000 Followers/Friends: 20 Stakes per week.
3. 5001-8000 Followers/Friends: 30 Stakes per week.
4. 8000+ Followers/Friends: 50 Stakes per week.

1. Put KARATCOIN.CO in your name: 50 stakes
2. Put KARATCOIN logo (download here) as your profile picture: 50 stakes
3. Promote a project in other Telegram groups: 100 stakes (please do not spam other groups, you will not get any stakes if you do this)
4. 50 extra stakes per week if pin our news on the top
5. 30 extra stakes if they make 7 posts/week

1. Participants must be the admin for cryptocurrency related Telegram Community Group, with a minimum of 300 members.
2. Promote our project in your group.
3. Maximum of 7 posts per week is allowed.
4. The admin of the inactive group cannot receive the stake.
5. Write not less than 10 messages in the Telegram group during the campaign period. Not on one and the same day.
6. Any telegram users who join our group, will not be eligible for their stakes if they have other supporting signatures on their name.

The weekly report is mandatory, you will not get stakes if there is no weekly report. The report must be submitted on this thread. If you submit report late then last date of the current week, you will not get any stakes.

How to join
1. Join our Official Telegram Group
2. Join our Bounty Group
3. Fill this form

Check your status

1. Subscribe to the channel: 50 stakes
2. Upvote posts: 5 stakes/upvote (max. 80 stakes)
3. Create a post about the project in RELATED subreddits (eg. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/): 200 stakes (Max. 7 posts per week allowed)

Stakes are for weekly work, please don’t post all in 1 day.

1. Subscribe to our Reddit page: https://www.reddit.com/u/Karatcoin/
2. Fill in the registration
3. Participants need to have at least 5 original posts and 5 comments related to Karatcoin per week to qualify. Posts must have "Karatcoin" word in the title plus the link to our website or telegram group or ANN Thread, and comments must have the word "Karatcoin". We will accept only text posts (Link and Image posts are not accepted. We need high quality of content, you can extrapolate content from our white paper or our website but make sure your post is of high quality. Maximum 2 posts allowed per day.
4. Upvote at least 7 posts/comments in our Reddit page each week.
5. Make posts/comments about Karatcoin in the relevant subreddits (related to cryptocurrencies and blockchain) for the token contribution. We will count up to 7 posts each week.
6. Participants may use our official images, logos, graphics, and other branding materials from our website or from here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qooMWrH79fiWBHWUClGXmktmfWuZVSvv.
7. Each post must contain at least 100 characters + link to our website to be qualified.
8. Users will receive extra varying amounts of stakes according to the number of upvotes on your posts. We will count up to 7 highest upvoted posts.
9. Participants must pin at least one Karatcoin relevant post on the top and update it every week. You will earn extra stakes for each pin.
10. You must confirm your weekly tasks by posting here a report in the format below:

11. You must submit your weekly report by using the Google form above (Global rules)

How to join
1. Join our Official Telegram Group
2. Join our Bounty Group
3. Fill this form

Check your status

1. 500+ friends: 10 stakes/weeks
2. 1000+ friends: 20 stakes/weeks
3. 2500+ friends: 40 stakes/weeks
4. 3500+ friends: 80 stakes/weeks
5. 4500+ friends: 130 stakes/weeks

1. Facebook account must have over 500 friends
2. Must repost our latest posts at https://www.facebook.com/karatcoin.co
3: Maximum 5 likes/shares per week
4. Follow and like https://www.facebook.com/karatcoin.co
5. The number of friends account must be public.
6. Participant reward rank will be determined by numbers of followers and account activity.
a. Participants need to make at least 5 reposts and 2 original posts each week.
b. Participants can only re-post posts that are under 2 weeks old.
c. participants can NOT post more than 20 posts/shares per day (Spam)
7. To make valid contents, posts must
a. include 100 characters or more;
b. contain hashtag #KARATCOIN #KCD and link to our website.
8. Posts must not be removed from your personal page until the end of the bounty campaign.
Posts must be public.
9. Participants must be the owner of the Facebook accounts used and must be original. Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts will not be accepted.
10. you must confirm your weekly tasks by posting here a report in the format below:

11. You must submit your weekly report by using the Google form above (Global rules)

You will not get stakes if there is no weekly report. If you submit report late then last day of the week (based on weeks of this program) you will not get any stakes.

How to join
1. Join our Official Telegram Group
2. Join our Bounty Group
3. Fill this form

Check your status

1. 500+ followers: 10 stakes/weeks
2. 1000+ followers: 20 stakes/weeks
3. 3000+ followers: 40 stakes/weeks
4. 5000+ followers: 80 stakes/weeks
5. 10,000+ followers: 130 stakes/weeks

1: Twitter account must have at least 500 Followers
2. Must follow, like and retweet our latest tweets daily at https://twitter.com/Karatcoins
3: Maximum 5 tweets/retweets per week
4. To make valid contents, each post must:
a. includes 100 characters or more. (Post less than the valid number of words is not qualified)
b. contains the hashtag #KARATCOIN #KCD and link to our website.
5. You must confirm your weekly tasks by posting here a report in the format below:

6. You must submit your weekly report by using the Google form above (Global rules)

Spread your work weekly not in 1 day. One who will not follow these rules will not get stakes.

How to join
1. Join our Official Telegram Group
2. Join our Bounty Group
3. Fill this form

Check your status

1. 200+ connections: 10 stakes/week
2. 1000+ connections: 20 stakes/week
3. 4000+ connections: 50 stakes/week

1. Must subscribe to https://www.linkedin.com/company/karatcoin
2. Share at least 3 publications
3. Participant account must be public and have at least 1000 authentic connections.
4. Participant reward rank will be determined by their followers and account activity.
a. Participants need to make at least 5 reposts and 2 original posts each week.
b. Participants can only re-post posts that are under 2 weeks old.
c. Participants can NOT post more than 20 posts/shares per day (Spam) during the campaign.
d. Each post must contain the hashtag #KARATCOIN #KCD and link to our website.
5. You must confirm your weekly tasks by posting here a report in the format below:

6. You must submit your weekly report by using the Google form above (Global rules)

How to join
1. Join our Official Telegram Group
2. Join our Bounty Group
3. Fill this form

Check your status

1. Translate ANN Thread: 100 stakes
2. Translate Whitepaper: 700 stakes
3. Translate Website Homepage: 200 stakes

1. A translation must be of a high quality. Not done by using tools like Google Translate and others.
2. The translator should be responsible and moderate the translation thread
3. Enter your translation results no later than 7 days after accepted
4. Due to the high profile of the ICO, translators will be selected based on their previous work (no reservations, no "first come first serve", no trusted translators)
5. No PDF – we need a Word document (.docx)
6. Font to be used: Sans Serif (provided)

Translation available

Documents and fonts to download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ryVI1QSVggsp1BLsCIt4ahbIhErBiMCI

How to join
1. Join our Official Telegram Group
2. Join our Bounty Group
3. Fill this form

Check your status

1. Subscribe to the channel: 50 stakes

1. Must subscribe to https://medium.com/karatcoins
2. Clap on at least 3 articles
3. All content must be original. Plagiarizing, copying, or translating existing content, including content published by our staff, is prohibited and will lead to disqualification.
4. You can, however, use our official images, logos, graphics, and other branding materials from our website, the ANN thread and here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qooMWrH79fiWBHWUClGXmktmfWuZVSvv?usp=sharing.
5. Articles must be longer than 500 words. Repost the same content on other Medium will not be counted.
6. The article must contain at least one link to our website and one link to the Whitepaper.
The article or description must also contain a link to your BitcoinTalk profile in order to prove your authorship.
7. You will get stakes based on the quality of your articles

How to join
1. Join our Official Telegram Group
2. Join our Bounty Group
3. Fill this form

Check your status

100-500 Followers/Friends: 10 Stakes per week.
501-3000 Followers/Friends: 20 Stakes per week.
3001-7000 Followers/Friends: 30 Stakes per week.
7000+ Followers/Friends: 50 Stakes per week.

As moderator
Quality Of work Stakes/Week
Good 100
Excellent 200

1. Must subscribe to https://vk.com/Karatcoin
2. Your account must be active and should not be fake or be a bot account
3. You must like and share our posts, minimum 5 posts per week
4. Joining with more than one account is not allowed. Users with more than one account will be disqualified
5. The posts should not be removed from your personal history until the Bounty Program ends.
6. you must confirm your weekly tasks by posting here a report in the format below:

7. You must submit your weekly report by using the Google form above (Global rules)

For moderator
The moderator needs to post the project updates in Russian and answer questions from the users.

How to join
1. Join our Official Telegram Group
2. Join our Bounty Group
3. Fill this form

For admin submissions:
Fill this form

Check your status
Check your ADMIN status

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