in tomorrow •  7 years ago 

You can never determine your tomorrow from the look of today, and getting richer tomorrow than today isn't how much you've worked for, or how good you are to customize nor preserve your resources for future usage, it's all about acknowledging who has the key to your tomorrow.
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God loves us all, he want us to communicate with him so often and also to acknowledge that he is the pillars behind our strength, your precious life, the way to our success and all that we are.
To be very candid there is more to our life than what we knew, our successful life is behind a supernatural being who care much about us but we will always feel we build and make everything on our own might.
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If we fail to acknowledge who is behind our achievement and healthy life, we then provoke the God that stands to grant us success.
In Deuteronomy 9:8 "Also in Horeb you provoked Yahweh to wrath, and Yahweh was angry with you to destroy you."
Find out the wrath of God again in the book of
Matthew 21:12-13And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves.
If these people knew and respected God, they wouldn't use the sanctuary as a market place.
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God will destroy who ever failed to acknowledge nor respect him as the Supreme being that rules over all the earth and everything that is in it, in sooner or later in time. In the book of Matthew 13:42 he says he will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth."
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The word of God shall never pass away until they come to accomplishment.

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