#Telegram founder #Pavel #Durov leaves the company.
Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, one of the largest messaging applications in the world, seems to have decided to part after the failed blockchain and crypto money project. It is known that Russia's internet giant Mail.Ru Group and an unnamed Russian billionaire are among the candidates to take over Telegram.
According to the information reported by the Russian media, Russia lifted the two-year "inefficient prohibition" of the popular messaging application in mid-June, and it is stated that the decision to separate Durov's path behind this removal decision was effective.
Gram and TON Projects Get Durov's Head
It is stated that Durov, whose net worth is estimated to be over $ 3.4 billion, has fallen into this situation because of the crypto money project Gram, which was banned by the US financial regulator SEC. The SEC stopped the TON (Telegram Open Network) project, which went down in history with a $ 1.7 billion ICO, a few days before it was launched.
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In the course of the trial, the SEC did indeed manage to halt Telegram's cryptocurrency and blockchain project, and the court ruled against it. Telegram, apparently unable to launch the project due to the court decision, agreed to pay investors 72% of their money, and the situation was closed in this way.
Telegram's test network was also completely closed recently and the project was literally "grounded". It was known that Durov also harmed Telegram after this unsuccessful attempt and shareholders were complaining about it.