Bon ton in the office: rules to follow

in ton •  7 years ago 

In the office and at work you spend most of the day, and it is with colleagues and superiors that you have more contacts. But as with every cohabitation there are times when we would strangle the person next to us because of work problems, but also because of behaviour and lack of education. In order to avoid turning these hours into hell, we must implement certain rules of the etiquette; in this way we will safeguard our relations.
What to avoid
The same rules of good education should be followed at work as in private and social life. First of all, gossip should be avoided, just as proper dressing, proper personal hygiene and avoiding noise and annoyance to the colleague next to us.
However, working life, especially in the office, also lends itself to bad specific habits, which should be crawled out in the bud so as not to damage relationships.

Avoid unnecessary email
By now, e-mail is part of our work and if some e-mails to the desk neighbor are essential for good work results (promotion, documentation), some people also use this medium to invite the colleague to the coffee break. Mail should not replace direct communication, otherwise it is a sign of lack of human relationship.

Speaking aloud
Whether on the phone for work matters, or with your companion to exchange a joke, in the workplace you should always keep an adequate, calm and correct voice tone.
Your mobile phone should be put in vibration mode, or with a low ring tone.
You should also check the strength that you use to type on the keyboard of your PC, or avoid to open and close the pens continuously. These are all gestures that in the long run annoy those who share the same environment.

The coffee break, bath, cigarette, are all rights of the worker, but there are those who take advantage of it and every moment is good to get away from the workplace. And those who take too many breaks are not very much appreciated by colleagues or superiors because it is seen as non-cooperative.
Then, avoid manicuring your desk while answering the phone, or eating things that might grease and dirty important documents.

It is not right to delay work continuously, especially if there are meetings or discussions with colleagues. Delay, in every situation of life, is an expression of the lack of respect for the time of others.

The disorder

There are those who turn their workstation into a sort of bazaar, with family photos, various foods, travel souvenirs and business documents. It is true that there are those who are well in chaos, but we must not exaggerate, and above all we must avoid that their own chaos damages the work of others.
In addition, common resources (printers, fax machines, coffee machines) are used in the offices and it is useful and polite to leave things as we would like to find them. If we finish the paper or toner, replace them; if we overturned the coffee on the machine, clean them.

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