What are the top 10 ways to come out beautiful when taking selfies?

in top10 •  2 years ago 

Here are the top 10 ways to look beautiful in selfies:

Good lighting - natural or soft artificial lighting is best
Find your best angle - experiment to find your most flattering side
Smile - a genuine smile can make you look more attractive
Relax your face and body - avoid tense or stiff poses
Hold your camera at a slightly higher angle - this can create a more slimming effect
Use filters judiciously - don't overuse filters that change your natural appearance
Pay attention to your background - choose a clean and simple background
Dress to impress - choose clothes that make you feel confident and good about yourself
Practice good posture - stand up straight or sit up straight to look more confident and attractive
Be confident - confidence shines through in your photos and makes you look beautiful.

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