Top 10 rules of success by BILL GATES(businessman)

in top10rulesofsuccess •  6 years ago 

1.Work hard
It means that businessman always need to work hard there are always ups and down in a n business so u don't need to disappoint ureself just need to work hard and u will get ur results..
2.Enjoy what you do
It means u enjoy the work u r doing not like doing as a burden on ur head this will create disappointment so u need to enjoy the work u do to get access.. The success.
3.Learn to say no
This is an important factor in business man success life you must learn to say no because all things r not right in as they are seeing... So u need to find out what wrong and what right in business so u need to choose it and go ahead...
4.Pick good people
Element in getting success ur people should be good and efficient workers not a lazy persons... Efficient and hardworking would take ur business to an peak level.
5.Dont procrastinate
Must important thing you don't have procrastinate it's killer of creativity. You must need to plan and manage it business to get access to success.
6.Have a sense of humor
To use ur prudent sense in decision related to which can take uh to peak level in business success.
7.Create the future
Believe in yourself create future for urelself u r the only that can create success for ureself...

  1. Take advice
    Take advice from the people who admire understand ur loopholes work to it and create a ladder of success for ureself...
  2. Always be a student
    Means to get access the success in a business u need to be student in business because a student is one who always learns new things so as a businessman it need to be learn as many new things in business and implementation of success
  3. Have a bad influence
    If you have to stand out from the crowd u have to take decisions which are out of the crowd without risk there is no success..
    Who is Bill Gates.....
    Bill Gates is an philantrophisy American businessman investor Co founder of Microsoft one of the world largest technology companies.
    He consistently rank on Forbes list of wealthiest people and his total net worth is estimated 80 billion dollars.
    Top 10 rules of success
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