In the Kamit language, the term "Tua" means: Adoration, thus "Tua ra" meant Adoration of Ra, which was already a title in many compositions written for the Afurakan for thousands of years of which the phrase Tua Ra was transformed into Torah.
It began when the Hyksôs invaded and then settled in Kama(Afrika), where they often heard among the nobility the invocation "Tua Ra" and who had also observed that this ritual tradition addressed to Ra, was practiced by the population as well. , as it always is in our Community, rooted in our cosmology based on direct communication with Netgers.
Some of them will start to imitate our ritual practices, learn our languages and copy our writing system as well as our syntax (subject, verb, complement) until the phrase and action, "Tua Ra "is also pronounced and imitated by them all the days of their lives, for centuries after the invasions until our Days
The same is true for the term Khu Ra which translates as "the enlightenment or wisdom of Ra" and which will again be copied by the same and their descent with the Quran (Koran)
We now know that the term "Tua Ra" means the "worship of Ra" and that "Quran" means "Wisdom of Ra". So we find that the Rdr actually named their said holy books after Ra and they secretly associate them with Ra, who represents the Creator, in some way.
And if they called their so-called Holy Books, Papyrus of Ra (Ra Papera), namely Paper of Horus (Helios/Holy Biblios), Illumination of Ra, (Khu-Ra) or Adoration of Ra (Tua Ra ), it is to better capture the ancestral Knowledge of Kama(Afrika) and attribute its origin.
By Kara Noun
Hotep ✊🏾
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