Son of David is Ra-El

in torahcode •  6 years ago 

"The Son of David 5778" Torah Code discovered by Rabbi Glazerson, what did he leave out?

In Ra-El, El R.Lear In, Interview/Appointment, Indication, Postponement, Newspaper.

The Son of David 5778.jpg



"Son of David" occurrences in the Jewish Bible.

son dave old.JPG

"Son of David" occurrences in the New Testament.

son david.JPG

A secondary Torah Code found from Glazerson's discovery:

"Brother Awake The God Ra"
Ra-El, The Revival, Years 2019-20 HC 5780 (starts 30th September 2019).

Brother Awake The God Ra.JPG

King RayEl.jpg

More End Times Information:

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Does it say how would he manifest?

He's always leaving out something...