When "those days" become a torment

in torment •  6 years ago 


One in three women suffers from menstrual disorders. Abdominal cramps, headaches, and mood swings - these are just some of the annoying side effects of the menstrual cycle. What caused pains and how to get rid of them without medicines?

If blood loss is irregular, unpleasant menstrual disorders are more frequent. These may occur before the cycle (premenstrual disorders) or during menstrual flow. The most frequent symptoms are abdominal cramps, headaches, back pain, and joint pain, nausea, lack of appetite, mood swings or diarrhea. Although this affects mostly young women, many suffer from abdominal cramps until menopause.

Causes and onset of cramps


The causes of severe abdominal pain may be different. The cramps in relation to the monthly cycle are partly due to the fact that the muscles of the uterus contract to expel the mucosa that was not needed to settle an egg. But they can also be due to organic diseases of the uterus (eg fibroids), which cause pain in the ovaries or the tubes. A mental overload such as stress or even a negative attitude towards menstruation can further strengthen pain.

This generally does well


As well as with painkillers, menstrual pain can also be mitigated with natural remedies. Here are some suggestions:
• Dissolve the muscles: walking, yoga or meditation relax the muscles, stimulate blood circulation and prevent cramps.
• Massage: massage your belly with one hand clockwise, without pressure, turning around the navel.
• Relaxation: massages, aromatherapy or acupuncture help to relax cramps and relax the body.
• Hot applications: heating pads, hot water bottles or a full hot bath, relax the muscles and stimulate blood circulation.
• Drinking herbal teas: chamomile, alchemilla, lemon balm, agnocasto or St. John's worth have a calming effect and dissolve cramps.
• Nutrition: a healthy and balanced diet with lots of iron and magnesium (e.g. meat, whole meal bread, walnuts) helps to prevent muscular tension. Even a good intake of vitamin B6 (e.g., avocados, legumes) can help calm the strained nerves.
• In general: listen to your body and treat yourself to something good.

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