Total ceo is a vaxx nazi low iq - ksa houtis maff - removing western interests from lybia - katie perry goes to the marines vs pla - no retaliation, then first strike

in total •  4 years ago 

since when this guy , wants to force vaxx me? since when... ahh I get... global corps, global shareholders who seek previsibility as they are deep suckers unable to trade @rickreider @jamiedimon

But in 15% of cases, people enter a second, toxic phase of the disease characterized by recurring fever, this time accompanied by jaundice due to liver damage, as well as abdominal pain.[14] Bleeding in the mouth, nose, the eyes, and the gastrointestinal tract cause vomit containing blood, hence the Spanish name for yellow fever, vómito negro ("black vomit").[15] There may also be kidney failure, hiccups, and delirium.[16][17]

Among those who develop jaundice, the fatality rate is 20 to 50%, while the overall fatality rate is about 3 to 7.5%.[18] Severe cases may have a mortality greater than 50%.[19]

now i see already the legalnazi of the west seeking to implement a minimum threshold for mandatory / forced vaxxination to serve the global pedocracy? of course they are, even if they are too dumbed and greedy to know it...

I told, without an EMPEROR we are DONE. why? because we have to farm the filth, and none will dare otherwise...

so I join your child mr ceo total, go fuck yourself smiling demon. fuck you fuck you i hate you.,

now the peons in turbans... mafff...

now 1/4 of all saudi wealth will be more than all later on.

think about it.

victory only.

now rather than always fight together or those pesky jews eternal thorn of islam, could we remove the western occupiers from lybian oil? I mean ksa + iran + yemen + syria + turkey + the mercs team of gcc... and we can blast them back to their side of the med sea, fissa.

it made me laugh !


there are such girls @pla ! for real ! we <3 them, great patriots ! however

let's say that if we had to have females on front lines we would prefer the #kungfugirls... those? when they started from 4 to 6 and join then @pla? they can smash the marines... ez...

but again we are happy to have real support teams...

then we have the exception, aka the male katies, great guys, the seats are fews...

and finally... yeah...

good luck to those on the other sides... good luck... make your prayers before at least...

bye bye ! say hi to death, we are coming later :).

yeah first, no retaliation, then strikes. logic :). but why strikes? becauset they may regain retaliation. and without a pure military destruction, the pedo child rapists clepto aristo feodalist hegemonist authoritarian totaliatarian won't ever stop.

when only 2% of hte american trained forces remain alive, and maybe 15% of the civilian population is in survival will they admit they lost... otherwise, they will still believe to be the fircest warriros on earth and the greatest people of hte greatest nation... when under their flag even pedogate (beyond all the treason from fiat to gmo to plants to... list goes on, aerial america is a lie -- tar sands canada for ref previous).

massive. you know the feodalists are the type of people, you beat them and more and more and they keep believing... in france we had no choice, but to cut their heads... they are DEMONS.

they will rape your kids on the sunday and smile at you on monday.

my spacecraft doctrine of engagement as changed : civilian urban centers... little fuckers will remove gmo by dying. failed state from a failed people.

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the most stupid idea of @alexjones is to believe amerian infrastructure had any value... lol. and I mean "downtowns" usa wide... nothing. it's only steel and glass, layed so long ago and never in the "pawn" way...

remember is hte dragon isn't conformable to lay is pawns it will be only his claws :).

(btw both are made to be melted down, again and again :)).

and ps don't forget the shefus of those kung fu girls carry thousands years of experience... and they teach... aka state of the art.