It looked like a scene out of "The Walking Dead" with one big difference, they weren't there to "pick his brain".
There was such a large crowd of people around him that he was literally being pushed from side to side. It looked like a scene out of "The Walking Dead" with one big difference, they weren't there to "pick his brain". For these people had heard that he was a miracle worker and they wanted, either to be healed of their ailments, or they had someone back home who needed to be healed.
At any rate, they may have felt, if they didn't get help right then, the chances were pretty good, that they would have to wait for the angels to stir the water, which was said only to happen once a year, at the pool of Bethesda. There was only one drawback though. You had to physically be there, in Bethesda, and jump in the pool as the angels were stirring the water, or it wouldn't work.
Maybe this is the reason they wanted to be among the first in line with this man who worked miracles. For I am sure they had heard this man need only speak the word and someone, say back home, would be healed. And as all of this was going on, the miracle worker looked up, and he said with a tone of surprise, "Someone touched me!"
Now, I'm sure those who heard him, thought, "What? Why did you say that? look around buddy! Everybody's touching you. Yet, he wasn't referring to that. For after he said, "someone touched me" he said he knew, virtue had gone out of him. (Luke 8:40-47)