She runs a bed and breakfast in the most expensive part of Beijing, serving only four guests a day

in tourism •  6 years ago  (edited)
 从北京后海出发,步行1分钟,有一个窄窄的巷口,从这里走进去,就是小翔凤胡同。在这条没有太多人知道的胡同附近,有作家丁玲曾经生活过的地方,还有北京著名的私家园邸,去年11月,这里又多了一家超美的民宿。(Xiaoxiangfeng hutong is a one-minute walk from houhai, Beijing.Near the lesser-known hutong, where the writer ding ling once lived, and Beijing's famous private home, a stunning new home was added last November.)
120平米的四合院,原本是一个几乎废弃的院落,只有平常的三口之家那么大,改建后,却变成了一个安静、温暖的空间,两间房、一个小院、一个茶室,还有一棵百年丁香树穿过屋顶,树杈布满整个院子,甚至延伸到胡同里,每年6、7月,到处都是丁香花的香气。北京姑娘迪凡是这里的主理人,她说,很多失恋的人喜欢来这里住,也有一家三口来这里一住就是半个月,“小院住满也不过6人,我又住在民宿附近,只要客人有需要,我一般24小时随叫随到。 (The siheyun of 120 square meters, is an almost abandoned compound, originally is the size of a common family of three, after modification, turned into a quiet, warm space, two rooms, a small courtyard, a teahouse, and a one hundred clove tree through the roof, branch is full of the entire courtyard, even extended to the alley, June and July each year, is filled with the fragrance of lilac.Beijing girl di fan here, she said, a lot of brokenhearted people like to live here, there is a family of three people come here to live for half a month, "the small courtyard full but also 6 people, I live near the home, as long as the guests need, I generally 24 hours call.)
北京西城区有一条胡同,叫做小翔凤胡同,南侧是恭王府,距离后海走路不到一分钟。据说这里以前是一条很窄的胡同,并行只能走两个人,所以这一带的老百姓不叫它“翔凤”,而叫它“墙缝儿”。 ( There is a hutong in xicheng district of Beijing. It is called xiaoxiangfeng hutongIt is said that here used to be a very narrow alley, only two people can walk in parallel, so this area of the common people do not call it "xiang feng", but called it "cracks in the wall".)这里有十几座小小的院落,大概住着四十几户人家,大多是当地的老爷爷,老奶奶,十分安静。 民宿“翔凤还巢”,就位于小翔凤胡同的深处,北京姑娘迪凡已经在这里工作了3个月。(There are a dozen small courtyard here, about 40 families live, mostly local grandfather, grandmother, very quiet. "Xiang feng also nest" home stay, located in the depths of xiaoxiangfeng alley, Beijing girl di fan has been working here for three months.)

在北京郊区种地的迪凡 (Difan works on the outskirts of Beijing)今年28岁的迪凡是地地道道的北京女孩,连续工作了5年之后,想好好休息一下,于是就在北京郊区找了块地,亲手种菜、做饭,还自己设计了几栋房子,做起了民宿。后来土地被收回,当老板的日子只持续了短短1年就结束了,却让迪凡对彻底爱上了民宿。所以当看到“翔凤还巢”招聘主理人的消息时,她毫不犹豫就过来工作了。 (Now 28 years old, she is a typical Beijing girl. After working for 5 years in a row, she wants to have a good rest. The land was reclaimed, and the days as a boss lasted only a short year, but devan fell in love with the b&b completely.So when see "xiang feng return nest" the news of recruit manager, she did not hesitate to come over to work.)小翔凤胡同和旁边的大翔凤胡同,以前都是恭王府的空隙和过道,后来逐渐有了人家,便形成了胡同。 虽然是在王府的夹缝中生存,但两条胡同中却有不少气派的门楼。位于胡同深处的这家民宿,正是其中之一。(Xiaoxiangfeng alley and the next to the big xiangfeng alley, before are the gap and aisle of gong wang fu, and then gradually with people, they formed the alley. Although it is to live in the gap between the palace, but there are many imposing gateways in the two hutongs. This home stay, located deep in the hutongs, is one of them.)据说,去年四月民宿的设计师第一次来看房子时,一推开门,就被院子里的这棵大树吸引。邻居老奶奶告诉迪凡,这棵野丁香树已经有一百多岁了,每年6、7月,就会开满白色的丁香花,到傍晚,花香会飘满整个胡同。(It is said that when the designer of the home stay home came to see the house for the first time last April, he was attracted by the big tree in the yard as soon as he opened the door. A neighbor's grandmother told devan that the wild lilac tree was more than a hundred years old. Every June and July, it would be covered with white lilacs, and in the evening, the fragrance of flowers would float all over the alley.)改造前的四合院( The courtyard house before renovation)尽管建筑面积只有120平米,跟一般的三口之家差不多大。但四合院本身的格局非常好,四四方方的,有一间正房,一间西厢房,还有一个院子。(Although the building area is only 120 square meters, which is about the size of a typical family of three. But the siheyuan itself has a very good layout, boxy, with a main room, a west wing, and a yard.)因为年久失修,设计改造还是花了半年的时间,主要修复了破损程度比较严重的外立面,房子原本的格局和屋顶结构都保留下来。 门窗全部换了新的,但还是保留了老北京四合院典型的门窗样式。(Due to disrepair, the design and renovation took half a year, mainly to repair the facade with serious damage, and the original pattern and roof structure of the house were retained. All the doors and Windows have been replaced with new ones, but the typical Windows and doors of the old Beijing quadrangle are still retained.)改造完成之后,整个民宿主要分为两个部分。 公共空间,是以百年大树为中心围合的院子,还有一间茶室和小厨房。另一部分是居住空间,只有2间客房。( After the renovation, the whole home stay facility is mainly divided into two parts.The public space is a courtyard surrounded by century-old trees, with a tea room and a small kitchen.The other part is the living space with only 2 rooms.)正房的面积比较大,有33平米。除了一张双人床之外,还有一个书斋,以及可升降的茶桌。喝茶的时候可以升起来,不喝茶的时候这里就是一个小平台,可站可坐。 (The main room is large, 33 square meters.In addition to a double bed, there is a study room and a raised and lowered tea tableIt can be raised when drinking tea, and it is a small platform for standing and sitting when not drinking tea.)书斋正对着院子,距离地面抬高了40公分。 落地窗一侧,设计了一个悬空的吊桌,很多人都喜欢下雨天坐在这里,写写毛笔字,听听雨声。(The study was facing the yard, forty centimeters above the ground. One side of the French window, designed a suspended hanging table, a lot of people like rainy days to sit here, writing brush, listen to the sound of rain.)
升降桌茶桌的背后,还隐藏了一个小玄机。将茶桌放下来之后,从侧边就可以拉出一个双人床,这样正房最多可以住得下4个人。(The backside of fluctuation table tea table, still concealed a small mystery. After putting down the tea table, a double bed can be pulled out from the side, so that the main room can hold up to four people.)
靠近西侧的小客房,只有16平米。 虽然面积比较小,但因为双人床正对着院子,所以躺在床上就可以看到整个院子的景色。(Close to the west side of the small guest room, only 16 square meters. Although the area is relatively small, but because the double bed is facing the courtyard, so lying on the bed can see the whole courtyard.)在2个房间的床对面,都安装了投影,玩了一天回来之后,关了灯、看看电影,是一件非常放松的事。( On the opposite side of the bed in the two rooms, there were projections installed. After a day of playing, I turned off the lights and watched movies. It was a very relaxing thing.)茶室是民宿里比较特别的空间。迪凡说,当时为了保护这棵百年丁香树,就把用玻璃将大树隔开,又在茶室的屋顶上凿了几个洞,让大树能穿过屋顶。现在,树杈布满了整个院子,甚至延伸到了胡同里,就像从整个房子生长出来的一样。(The teahouse is a special space in a homestay.To protect the century-old lilac tree, Mr. Devan said he had separated the large tree with glass and cut holes in the roof of the tea room so the tree could pass through.Now, tree branches branch out all over the yard and even into the hutongs, as if they had grown out of the whole house.)除了喝茶,迪凡还会在这里为客人准备一些北京特有的小吃、饮料,比如北冰洋、老北京酸奶和京八件。让大家能在一个老北京的四合院里,坐在茶室里,背靠大树,吃吃小吃。(In addition to tea, devan will also prepare some special snacks and drinks for guests here, such as the arctic ocean, old Beijing yogurt and Beijing eight pieces.Let everyone in an old Beijing courtyard, sitting in the tea room, back against the tree, eat snacks.)
瓦片也是民宿里一处非常有意思的细节。院子里有一个影壁,水流会沿着错落的瓦片,流入院子的曲形水池。院子的地面也铺满了近三万块瓦,正房北侧的墙壁下方,还用高低不同的瓦片,堆叠成了一个个山的形状,很漂亮。(The tiles are also an interesting detail in the b&b.There is a screen wall in the courtyard, water will flow along the scattered tiles, into the courtyard of the curved pool.The ground of the courtyard is also covered with nearly thirty thousand tiles. Under the north wall of the main house, the tiles with different heights are stacked into the shape of a mountain, which is very beautiful.)当初在做方案的时候,设计师为了在效果图上丰富一点,故意在茶室屋顶的上方画了一只小猫,没想到院子改造完成之后,真的经常有小猫来屋顶上晒太阳,玩耍嬉戏。(When making a plan at the beginning, stylist is in order to be in effect a bit richer, drew a kitten intentionally in the upper part of housetop of tea room, after did not think of the courtyard is transformed, often have a kitten to come really on housetop bask, play frolic.)迪凡说,来到这里住的人,大部分都是因为喜欢老北京胡同的氛围:红墙、黑瓦,还有车头顶着车尾、几十人组成的三轮车队伍。(Most of the people who come to live here, Mr. Devan said, like the atmosphere of the old Beijing hutongs: red walls, black tiles, and a line of tricycles with dozens of people behind them.)隔壁大翔凤胡同的3号,是作家丁玲曾经生活过的地方,后来改成了民族文学出版社。小翔凤胡同5号,是著名的鉴园,原来是恭亲王奕欣为了躲清静,另建的别邸,后来几经易手,现在是北京有名的私家园邸。只要迪凡有时间,都会带着客人去这些地方走一走。(No. 3, next door to da xiang feng hutong, is the place where the writer ding ling once lived, which was later changed into national literature publishing house.Xiaoxiangfeng alley no. 5, is a famous garden, the original is prince gong yi xin in order to avoid quiet, another built don't di, later after several changes of hands, is now a famous Beijing private homes.Whenever devan has time, he takes his guests to these places.)
从民宿出发骑车三分钟,就到了后海酒吧一条街,迪凡也经常陪失恋的客人,来这里散散步、喝一杯。(Three minutes by bike from the b&b is houhai bar street, where di fan often accompanies lovelorn guests for a walk and a drink.)
从民宿出来,走500百米,过了银锭桥,直接拐进一条小胡同里,就能看到一家叫“鸦儿李记”的老北京店,以汉民、回民和宫廷三种风味为主。招牌是酱肉爆肚,每天都排着长长的队,很适合来吃早餐。(Walk 500 meters from the b&b, cross the silver ingot bridge, and turn directly into a small hu tong li, you can see an old Beijing store called "crow son li ji", which is mainly composed of three flavors of han people, hui people and court.The sign is sauce pork tripe, every day in a long line, very suitable for breakfast.)
冬天,后海的湖面会结冰,这里就成了北京人的溜冰场,也是民宿住客们冬天最喜欢去的地方之一。也有喜欢老北京古玩的客人,迪凡会带他们到什刹海附近的烟袋斜街逛一逛,这里有很多旱烟袋、水烟袋等烟具,还有各种古玩、书画…..认真逛一逛,可以待一下午。(In winter, the lake of houhai freezes over, making it a skating rink for beijingers and one of the favorite places for home stay guests in winter.There are also old Beijing antiques like the guests, di fan will take them to the shichahai near the cigarette bag ramps around the street, there are a lot of tobacco bags, water pipe and other tobacco, as well as a variety of antiques, calligraphy and painting.....You can hang out all afternoon.)
除了每天阿姨中午来打扫卫生,其他时间是迪凡在照顾客人的日常起居。她在距离民宿一公里外的地方租了房子,10分钟就能来店里,基本是24小时,随叫随到的状态。(In addition to cleaning the house at noon every day, the other time is when devan is taking care of the guests' daily life.She rented a house a kilometer away from the b&b and was able to come to the store in 10 minutes, basically 24 hours a day, on call.)这里曾经住过一家三口,女主人还带着保姆,在这里一住就是半个月。每天夫妻俩按时出去工作,晚上回来休息,真的把这里当成了家。(There used to be a family of three here, the hostess also took a nanny, living here for half a month.Every day, the couple went out to work on time and came back to rest in the evening. They really made this place their home.) 还有一个来北京出差的男生,因为总是住酒店,想换换环境住民宿。结果爱上了在胡同里散步、跟老北京人聊天的生活,之后每次来北京出差,都会来这里住,还跟迪凡成了好朋友。 (There is also a boy who comes to Beijing on business, because he always stays in a hotel, he wants to stay in a homestay for a change.As a result, I fell in love with the life of walking in the hutongs and chatting with old beijingers. After that, every time I went to Beijing for business, I would come to live here and became good friends with devan.)还有很多失恋的人、和父母吵架离家出走的人、或是单身的人来这里暂住,迪凡也会多抽时间,陪客人聊天。迪凡自己从小也跟着爷爷奶奶住在胡同里,所以对胡同有着很深的感情。“能让更多人发现胡同的美,跟大家交朋友,我自己也觉得很开心、很满足。”部分图片由隐海提供她在北京最贵地段开民宿,一天只接待4位客人她在北京最贵地段开民宿,一天只接待4位客人 (Many lovelorn people, people who have quarreled with their parents, people who have run away from home, or people who are single come to stay.Devan himself has been living in hutong with his grandparents since he was a child, so he has deep feelings for hutong."I feel very happy and satisfied to let more people discover the beauty of hutong and make friends with everyone."Part of the picture is provided by yinhai. She opened a home stay in the most expensive area of Beijing and only received four guests a day) 

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