What happens when you trade all your active pieces, an example from the club tournament

in tournament •  7 years ago 

Round 1 from the Club Tournament.

This is the first round from the club tournament, the tournament is not rated so in the following game I decided it would be a great idea to just have a little fun, my opening choice was meant as a joke, which requires a bit of context
the context for the joke is that we have a Themed tournament coming up, which is starting with the position after

1.b4 e5 2.a3 d5 3.Lb2 Ld6 4.Sf3 De7 5.e3 Sf6 6.c4 c6 7.Le2 0-0

I did not really intend to play that position I just thought it would be funny to try the Orangutan (1.b4) in a game.


This game is not rated so I decided to have some fun.

1...e6 2.Bb2 Nf6 3.a3 d5 4.Nf3 c5

This is the first structural decision, in some ways a critical junction, I can play b5 and limit his pieces from getting good squares but that will also limit my pieces from going to b5. There is also the option that I can just take the pawn on c5 and make a slightly better structure, this could also lead to a slight edge in the endgame.

5.bxc5 Bxc5 6.d4

[6.e3 Qb6 7.Qc1 Possibly this is better for black since white has some small problems with developing his pieces actively]

6...Bd6 7.e3

Preventing black from going Bf4.

7...O-O 8.Nbd2 Qa5 9.Bd3 Ne4

Now I like the idea that we exchange a lot on d2, but I need to find a active move that still allow the exchange on d2 I also do not want to castle right here since I would like to have the option Kxd2 although I might not want to use it, but also maintaining the king in the center is good when all the exchanges happen since it is so close to an endgame.

10.c4 Nxd2 11.Qxd2 Qxd2+ 12.Nxd2 b6?!

This seems like a clear mistake, taking on the isolated pawn at this point seems bad, it will become a rather clear weakness in the ensuing endgame, which means that white will have a relatively easy time making a past pawn in the center.

13.cxd5 exd5 14.h3

Just stopping Bg4 which might be a little annoying at some points.

14...g6 15.Bc3 Rd8 16.Bb4 Ba6 17.Ke2 Bf8 18.Bxf8 Bxd3+ 19.Kxd3 Kxf8

All these exchanges helps white a lot more than they help black, white has better pieces and therefore white is ahead, also whites king is more active.

20.Rac1 Na6 21.Rc3 Rac8 22.Rhc1 Rxc3+ 23.Rxc3 Ke7 24.g4 f6 25.f3 Kd6 26.e4 Nc7 27.e5+ fxe5 28.dxe5+ Kd7

[28...Kxe5 29.Rxc7]


Preventing Nb5 so I can now play Kd4 and begin to attack the d5 pawn.

29...Ne6 30.Nb3 Rf8 31.Nd4 Nxd4 32.Kxd4 Rf4+ 33.Kxd5 Rxa4 34.e6+

White is winning here the rest is just a matter of technique.

34...Kd8 35.Ke5 a5 36.f4 Rb4 37.f5 a4 38.Kf6 Rb3 39.e7+ Kd7 40.Rxb3 axb3 41.Kf7 1-0

The endgame was heavily in favor of white, this is what happens when you go and exchange all your active pieces, you are left with the worst pieces, which makes it very difficult to play good chess.

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A lot to take in. I just thought I'd ask if you knew the fastest way to get a checkmate? When I tell you the answer, you might not believe me, but I actually saw it happen once.

The quickest mate is 1.f3 e6 2.g4 Qh4#, I actually played this game several times online against the same opponent. :-)

That's right. I'm kind of surprised that you done it more than once though, especially against the same opponent. Someone didn't learn.

Well I don't know, he just played those opening moves in all the games.

Like I said, "Someone didn't learn". I'd keep taking advantage too, if they just keep doing the same thing.

yeah, but that becomes really boring in the end, then it is just mechanically playing the same thing over and over.

At this position I almost got worried in some analysis I did, but I figured out that black did not have anything useful anyway.
10.-dxc4 11.Bxe4 c3 12.Nb3 cxb2+ 13.Nxa5 bxa1Q 14.Qxa1

12.-c2+ 13.Qd2 Qxd2 14.Kxd2

Is also not a problem, so it seems white has a clear edge in all these positions.