Restocking Toys 4 Black Friday

in toys •  5 years ago 


One of the areas in our shop Conquest Comics that we really shine in, is our toy department. Over 5000 different action figures line pegs and displays throughout our shop. It’s not just superhero stuff either!!! We focus on toys from video games, movies, television, cartoons, and more. In fact, the horror genre is a huge market that we specialize in. People eat that shit up!!!

Throughout the course of an average week, we move a plethora of figures and that’s when the fun starts for us in the game of restocking. Ya see...our backroom is...let’s extremely tight squeeze and not the most organized. Ask @steemmatt, @dfinney, @bryan-imhoff as they have all see the madness firsthand. I wish it weren’t the case but we have too much crap and so little spare space. So the game of restocking is always a challenging one as there are pieces that get lost in the shuffle, buried, and then swallowed in the abyss....until we uncover it months later.


It’s not efficient and we are taking some steps to correct that in the next few months by getting a couple more shipping containers for the back lot. This will also allow us to focus on selling online more as well. That’s another huge source of revenue that we aren’t fully taking advantage of as we just don’t have the space to dedicate to storing the online products.

All of those things make what I’m doing today, a bit problematic. Restocking. I actually enjoy it as it fills the shop back up. I hate having pegs that aren’t full as I know we can fill em up, so we try and do little restocks on the lines and areas we can access easily fairly often. Soon though...will come the dreaded spare room which is literally filled floor to ceiling with toys. I can’t even enter it. There is no pathway in. Just...sheer madness. But that’s not today. Today, we focus on Marvel figures. Marvel Select & Marvel Legends mainly.


So far in the couple of hours of foraging around in the back, we yanked over 100 figs that we needed on the pegs. These will have to be checked and priced up as sone have shot through the roof $$$ wise. I guess that’s one of the few positives from our shit system. Oftentimes, pieces will blow up in price. Things that were fetching just $25 bucks several months back are now double to triple in price. Score!!!


The next couple of weeks, we will be doing this song and dance with different sections as we prepare for a hopefully killer holiday season that kicks off with our annual Black Friday sale. Wish us luck!!!


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Looking good, question: would it be possible to order some Captain Marvel (I know 😅) or Wonder Woman comics for my daughter? Maybe like 6 random books or a series?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hell yeah! Are you on discord? Or Facebook? We can chat it up through there! I can put together something awesome for her.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Keeping track of moving prices of must be tricky.

Is there a 'trade catalogue' of any sort to help?

Or is it just a case of watching on ebay etc?

No not really. It’s kinda just watching trends. eBay sadly plays a big part. I always say it’s the world’s price guide. Not the end all he all but it’s an accurate representation of what that specific item is fetching. Crazy how powerful of a tool it is.

Posted using Partiko iOS

@tipu curate that is an amazing amount of inventory!

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 10/15)

Thanks my dear! Yes...we pack a ton of nonsense in the shop. Lol

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I'm not that much of a nerd but this is looking exciting. Good luck with black friday. May all $$$ come to you!

Ooh my god!!! He lives!!!!!! Lol

Thx brother. You coming back to the fold here or was this just a quick visit?

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He may or may not live but the legend of SF3 will keep on living on. If not, they will still remember baby poop till the end and beyond.

I wish my backlog of Lego parts waiting to be added into my online store was that well organised.

Dude...we are the most disorganized. We have years worth of shit waiting to be added online. We are...awful.

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This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie


Have I told you lately...that I luv you?!?

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The paradise 😍

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol. You into this stuff?!? Love meeting fellow nerds!!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

XD jajaja here we are partner all this things XD jajaja

Posted using Partiko Android

Sup Dork?!? Enjoy the Upvote!!! Keep up with the dorky content for more love!!!