Turkish novels - Tutunamayanlar (The Disconnected, 1971-72), Oğuz Atay

in tr •  7 years ago 


The "Tutunamayanlar", which has received very negative criticism when it was published in 1971, is unrecognized and does not reach the reader, is now considered a "cult" book in the history of Turkish literature. Even so, when Oguz Atay asked, "Where is my lecture" at the time, it is said that the work is now almost "popular". However, neither the book sells much in time nor does it now matter to make valid evaluations about the book.

Oğuz Atay's work has a very important place in Turkish literature as a source of modernist novel and postmodernist novel. The great language of the novel, the depth of observation and narrative, left a trace on many writers and readers who came after themselves from the black humor. "Those who can not hold" still continue to mirror and inspire Turkey...


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Hi @turkish-trail Congratulations once again congratulations my good friend your pictures are awesome and very is very good post too great is your pictures I liked so much that you always upload such posts and pictures

ing. olduğu kadar keşke Türkçe de yazılarımız yazılsa bizim yazımızı biz okuyamıyoruz.

i love Oğuz Atay :)

The famous author Oğuz Atay. You are loved...