Why Is It Important to Track App Usage of Kids and Teens Who Are Digital Natives?
In today's society, everyone will agree that most of the people everywhere are seen looking at their smartphones or gadgets. Even children younger than one can be seen holding an electronic device. Thus, the term “digital natives" has emerged. Children born in the era of the internet and digital technology are called such because they are those who are already surrounded by these devices by the time they are born.
Kids nowadays are learning about digital technology at a very young age. They easily learn about gadgets and software. In fact, they are sometimes more knowledgeable about the latest trends online than their parents. Therefore, it is important for parents to have the option to track app usage of their kids.
Help Kids Focus on Study by Tracking Their App Usage
There are several applications now that help with children's studies and learning. However, there are also programs that can be so distracting and can bring more damage than help. These are online games, social networking sites, YouTube, and others. Parents can help their children focus by knowing what applications the children are using during study time. Parents can use programs that can track app usage.
If the parents know what application or website their kids are on, they will be able to put some restrictions or rules so that their children can focus on their studies more. There are programs in the market like iKeyMonitor that can track the websites that your children are visiting. It also has a feature that can block applications or even limit their screen time.
A Cambridge University study in 2015 recorded activities of 845 students who are 14 years old. The results of their General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) at 16 were analyzed. They found that those who spend an extra hour a day on electronic screens show a fall in their GCSE results. If parents can track app usage of their kids, children can have more time studying rather than playing games or browsing various sites on the internet.
Keep Kids and Teens Safe
Although the internet has been a big help to people on different aspects, it is also true that there are a lot of dangers as well. There are some online predators who are just lurking and waiting for their next victim.
No parent would want their kid to be a victim of these kinds of people. Hence, if they can track app usage of their children, they would know if their children are using apps that are not appropriate for them and they could do some measures to guide them with their usage of the internet. Programs that track app usage will at least minimize the risks and keep the kids away from harm.
Track App Usage to Help Kids Stay Healthy and Active
Excessive use of the internet and these electronic gadgets may lead to health issues. There are online games that are highly addictive. There are some instances when kids would play for hours and will not even get up from their seats. Most kids nowadays lack physical activities due to these gadgets, and this can lead to obesity.
If parents can track app usage of their youngsters, they can limit their screen time and get them to participate in sports or other social activities that can promote a healthier lifestyle. Aside from keeping them healthier physically, this will also improve their social skills since they can have more real-life conversations and interactions.
Parents can keep their digital native kids safe and help them become better persons if they use programs that can track app usage. There are several programs on the market that have app usage tracking features like iKeyMonitor spy app.