Fair of used goods

in trade •  7 years ago 

I live iz Zagreb. I like to travel, to see other places but Zagreb is my home.
Today I went to cultish place called Hrelić or Jakusevac.

Jakusevac or Hrelic is place where you can find from needle to car and mostly second hand stuff and it takes an area of 20 hectares.
Jakusevac is one of the oldest trade fair markt in Zagreb, also famouse fairs are Britanski trg, Velesajam, Dolac, but Jakusevac is the biggest. Histoy of this fair market is very old ,but on this location is almost 50 years. Not many things has changed over that period.
On a sunny day you can't walk normaly, that's how crowded it can be, aproximetly 25 000 buyers on sunny day.

People are usually looking for old things and cars, here you can buy used cars, any kind of vehicles, from really old like 1970 to newer cars 2017 year. Here you can buy new clothes and second hand clothes, new shoes and old shoes.

I asked one seller how it is to sell there.
The man said: I live 50 kilometers aways, I get up at 3 oclock in the morning, to be here at 4, to get my usually place, where im selling for 20 years. Im satified with selling. The time has changed, in the past the selling was better, but i cant complain. I still have profit.
He is selling everything, from socks to car parts.

I go often there, not becuse of cars, but for things that I dont expect to find there. I never go with motiv to buy something. Here is some pictures what can you find there.

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After long walk this is how I ended my tour de Hrelić

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pribor za ribolov i knjige ne treba ni kupovati na drugim mjestima ^^

obicno ljudi i ne znaju sta prodaju kada je u pitanju oprema za ribolov, a knjige bar kod mene ovde, idu po principu /daj koliko das - ma uzmi jos jednu^

i jos te gleda onako sazaljivo, kao, vidi ove budale od svih stvari on zapeo za stare knjizurine

Sad si me sjetio da i ja nisam dugo bio:)
jesi ubo nešto ?

Na kraju ništa osim lepinje i pive, ali uvijek je gušt otić :)

Na ovakvim mistima se kriju prava blaga

Šalu na stranu, svega se da nac :)

I uzeja si samo 10 STEEM, sta nisi zva, narucija bi i ja bar 100 : )..... ali ozbiljno na takvin mistima možes nac svega.... Bija san svega par puta i uvik nađen nešto ludilo i interesantno

Istina, jednom sam kupio 10SBDa i 3 steema za 20kuna, čovjek je mislio da je to neka stara, izumrla valuta :P

Sad sam si zapljuvao tipkovnicu... uhvatio me komentar u pola gutljaja... :DDDDDDD

Hahaha i meni se desavalo. Moramo prestat jest i pit dok steemamo

Ahhh, Hrelić <3
Imam i ja jedan Hrelić post u pripremi! Obožavam!
A da je i samo lepinja i piva u igri, uvijek se isplati. :)

Dobar stari Hrelić...volim nekad samo prošetat tamo čak i kad ništa ne trebam :)

E tako i ja

beautiful picture
nice trade this trade is always enjoyble
thanks for sharing

wow I like flea market because I find on it something value with low price
Enjoy @faces

Od ovog svega ja bi ovo zadnje, mi ih zovemo pispaji ili picipaje :)))

Prefino u svakom sluaju

In the U.K. we also have a similar market like yours, it’s a place called Donnignton market, where people sell used goods. It’s an absolute fun going there because we get to eat donuts and kebabs, but we don’t care about the shopping.

In America they also have this tradition and it’s called a yard sale. So LOL glad to see everyone around the world has the same idea about what to do with second hand stuff.

Yeah, there is always some1 who could use something that we dont need any more.

Such materials are inexpensive here

Good job