Sara was only six years old...

in tradecenter •  7 years ago 

So you think that money is the roof of all evil? Have you ever asked what the root of money is? Money is a tool of exchange, which can't exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them."

AYN RAND, Atlas Shrugged

Sara was only six years old in 2001. Lovelier than a Barbie doll, she was studying at an elementary school in lower Manhattan. Her father George Hill, was very fond of her. Daily, he would drop her off to the school before he went to work at the nearby World Trade Center.

Sometimes her papa went early to work and her Mon would leave her at the school, but papa would never miss picking her up, on his way back in the evenings. She would wait at the school gate, even if he was a little late.

On that particular day, Sara was in her class when her mommy rushed into her school, picked her up and drove back to the house. she did not answer any of Sara's questions. She was crying. In the evening, Sara learn that some bad guys had destroyed her papa's office. papa was missing.
Sara daily hoped, with tear-filled eyes to see him come from a distance to pick her up from the school. But he never came. Sara often thinks about her papa and the bad guys who killed him. Now grown up, she works part-time in a bank. she knows that terrorists, plush with a lot of money, destroyed the World Trade Center, and her father with it. She wonders, if only their money supply could be cut off; the misery of millions like her would never occur.

Sara was one of those who were orphaned on that fateful day on September 11, 2001, when the twin towers of the World Trade Center were destroyed. There have been more than 200,000 deaths in terrorist attacks in the last one decade alone. Unless terrorists have massive financial support, it is not possible for them to carry out attacks. Governments all over the world are at a loss to legally identify these supporters, though unofficially they know who the bad guys might be. If only their money bankers could be identified and blocked, then terrorists' activities would stop automatically.

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