Top Tweets about BTC - 04/24/2022-07

in tradernews1795 •  2 years ago 

Top 10 Tweets for BTC


$DEXI.X 🔥Coming to your phone soon! Start hunting for #Crypto and #NFTs in #AugmentedReality! #DexiHunter 5-city beta coming May 3!🚀

💎Find $BTC, $DEXI, $SOL, #OpenSeaNFT and more to climb to the top of the leaderboard! #GameFi like none other💎


#BSC #DeFi

Likes: 254
Sentiment: Bullish


DEXI.X 🔥Coming to your phone soon! Start hunting for #Crypto and #NFTs in #AugmentedReality! #DexiHunter 5-city beta coming May 3!🚀

💎Find $BTC, $DEXI, $SOL, #OpenSeaNFT and more to climb to the top of the leaderboard! #GameFi like none other💎


#BSC #DeFi

Likes: 253
Sentiment: Bullish


$SPY $QQQ You all need to read the Great Reset. It's happening as we speak. Global wealth is being redistributed to 14 year old girls and transgenders of color. Right now in America, the richest demographic are 14 year old girls who shake their vaj on Tik Tok and transgenders. By this time next year, all white heterosexual men over 25 will be enslaved in cotton fields. There is absolutely no stopping it. Even Bill Gates and Warren Buffet will be broke by next year, as they are white men. Change is coming. The future are 14 year old transgender tik tok girls of color. $BTC

Likes: 0
Sentiment: Neutral


$NU.X So either only $NU.X gets pumped today on its own or $BTC gets dumped today 5%+. Happened multiple times, this gets pumped right before btc dumped

Likes: 327
Sentiment: Bullish


This is the BTC analysis right now, there is a lot of money that will be made in this setup 💰💰📈

Proper Risk Management 📈💯


Likes: 23
Sentiment: Bullish


Guess were gonna BarCode all day until tonights pump. We shall see! Kinda getting boring watching the live chart on $BTC too

Likes: 1288
Sentiment: Neutral


$BTC So does regulations just basically mean turn off buy button or short into oblivion when necessary?

Likes: 1307
Sentiment: Neutral


$BTC.X Mr_Realistic
$BTC Five 4hr consolidation candles (That’s 20 straight hrs for our non math friends) and now a green bullish candle over consolidation and 5EMA resistance …🚀🚀🚀 You’d have to be the dumbest trader of all time to short here and not long it! Short covers incoming at noon!!!

Likes: 1
Sentiment: Neutral


$APE.X $btc Boom

Likes: 198
Sentiment: Bullish


$btc #bitcoin

Likes: 5197
Sentiment: Neutral

Likes: 1
Sentiment: Neutral


$APE.X $btc Boom

Likes: 198
Sentiment: Bullish


$btc #bitcoin

Likes: 5197
Sentiment: Neutral
--- #GameFi like none other💎


#BSC #DeFi

Likes: 254
Sentiment: Bullish


DEXI.X 🔥Coming to your phone soon! #GameFi like none other💎


#BSC #DeFi

Likes: 253
Sentiment: Bullish


$SPY $QQQ You all need to read the Great Reset. Kinda getting boring watching the live chart on $BTC too

Likes: 1288
Sentiment: Neutral


$BTC So does regulations just basically mean turn off buy button or short into oblivion when necessary? $BTC

Likes: 0
Sentiment: Neutral


$NU.X So either only $NU.X gets pumped today on its own or $BTC gets dumped today 5%+. #DexiHunter 5-city beta coming May 3!🚀

💎Find $BTC, $DEXI, $SOL, #OpenSeaNFT and more to climb to the top of the leaderboard! # Top 10 Tweets for BTC


$DEXI.X 🔥Coming to your phone soon!

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