Top Tweets about ETH - 06/15/2022-10

in tradernews2997 •  2 years ago 

Top 10 Tweets for BTC


$SDS 2x Bear $SPY ETF. Huge {H&S} bottom reversal. We are now in a {wave 3} advance which is subdividing. The bear market started Jan 2022. Trillions have already been erased and rates are only 1.25% after today's .50% increase. currently inflation is still way over 8%. The fed should go .75% but i doubt it. They will just talk about .75% next time. $QQQ $BTC.X$GLD

Likes: 5859
Sentiment: Bearish


$RDBX is the new $BTC, remember to hedge against inflation!

Likes: 102
Sentiment: Bullish


$CRO.X $BTC This image says so much about where we currently are in markets. Time will tell... but human beings have such herd mentality and all at the wrong times 😂 Go where the crowd isn't... at all times.

Likes: 25
Sentiment: Bullish


$BTC.Xwill touch 17 today.

Likes: 865
Sentiment: Bearish


$SPY $BTC Dying while $SPY is rising. Is people moving from crypto to the market because a rally is coming?

Likes: 252
Sentiment: Neutral


Can Crypto Stocks $RIOT & $MARA Recover? Their stocks fell more than 10% on June 13 amid an intense crypto selloff that pushed $BTC below levels not seen since 2020. The stocks have plunged about 80% Y2D.

Likes: 445
Sentiment: Neutral


$AMC $GME $BTC $BNB $SPY $QQQQ ok great Amercia you yave done it again you have filters and stolen everyone's money in the name of liquidity from the markets while not a thing is done about oh I forgot you crashed the economy yet AGAIN ...please tell me what you do for the good of the globe because I am struggling

Likes: 116
Sentiment: Bullish


$ETH.X whales are selling hardcore, panic is setting in. Save some money and sell, rebuy at 750 and 500 levels. No sign of slowing this panic in crypto and the economy. $BTC is equally as fucked and will see mid teens over the next week. Mark it. Sell now and watch the bloodbath while you save your money. Wait for confirmation to rebuy.

Likes: 1811
Sentiment: Bearish


hackers will be blamed soon

Likes: 236
Sentiment: Bearish


$BTC.X $btc #bitcoin There is an ongoing Liquidation hunt for Three arrows capital. below 1k eth and Whale 3AC goes down

Likes: 281
Sentiment: Neutral

Likes: 1811
Sentiment: Bearish


hackers will be blamed soon

Likes: 236
Sentiment: Bearish


$BTC.X $btc #bitcoin There is an ongoing Liquidation hunt for Three arrows capital. Likes: 102
Sentiment: Bullish


$CRO.X $BTC This image says so much about where we currently are in markets. Likes: 252
Sentiment: Neutral


Can Crypto Stocks $RIOT & $MARA Recover? $QQQ $BTC.X$GLD

Likes: 5859
Sentiment: Bearish


$RDBX is the new $BTC, remember to hedge against inflation! Their stocks fell more than 10% on June 13 amid an intense crypto selloff that pushed $BTC below levels not seen since 2020. Time will tell... but human beings have such herd mentality and all at the wrong times 😂 Go where the crowd isn't... at all times. Likes: 25
Sentiment: Bullish


$BTC.Xwill touch 17 today.

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