Top Tweets about BCH - 06/11/2023-42

in tradernews3207 •  last year 

Top 10 Tweets for BTC


$DWAC $SPY $BTC $RPD potential buy out watch it

Likes: 501
Sentiment: Neutral


$BTC & #Etherum look like they are set to explode! June is one of the best months for crypto historically. I break down seasonality trends and give BTC & ETH both a price target in the below video!

Likes: 444
Sentiment: Bullish


$BTC. We are going to be okay we just ran into a little Permafrost

Likes: 16
Sentiment: Neutral


Winklevoss Twins: Bitcoin (BTC) Will Soon Hit $500,000, Here’s Why By: #Web3Grandpappa

Winklevoss twins, Tyler and Cameron, who are early Bitcoin investors and founders of the Gemini crypto exchange, maintain their long-term bullish stance on Bitcoin ($BTC)....
#bitcoin #web3business #inbriefnews #bankingandfinanc

Likes: 8
Sentiment: Neutral


$BTC .X stomach is messed up from making all this fucking money. Got me one of them kamboochis

Likes: 162
Sentiment: Neutral


$BTC.X $DOGE.X $ETH.X $SHIB.X If you’re selling $PEPE here …

You would’ve sold $BTC at 300 bucks back in 2015, fast forward to 2021 and you’re calling people “lucky” for holding 💀

I buy $PEPE here .. you want to call me lucky now or wait 6-12 months?

The choice is yours anon


Likes: 26
Sentiment: Neutral


$DOGE.X We just tapped the line from the beginning of the run in '21 so that can either be extremely good seeing as though we're at the bottom of a wedge or extremely bad as it goes all the way back to the bottom aka .004. With $BTC still being at 25k if it tanks we're toast but if it goes over 30k we might see a HUGE spike.

Likes: 2303
Sentiment: Bullish


$Spy $QQQ $Spy $BTC
If you don't know, now you know.
one big quilt

Likes: 138
Sentiment: Neutral


$BTC.X $DAG nailed the support level at .026 I called months ago

Many altcoins are dumping now while $BTC holding steady

If $BTC breaks lower, which I think it will, multiple signs show we could see .02-.022 $DAG

Order placed as low as .014 just in case

Likes: 26
Sentiment: Neutral


$BTC.X $BTC Binance Perps
When you see a vertical pump like this with bids under price, this is directly being pushed up to source liquidity / squeeze

Likes: 26
Sentiment: Neutral

Top 10 Tweets for BTC


$DWAC $SPY $BTC $RPD potential buy out watch it

Likes: 501
Sentiment: Neutral


$BTC & #Etherum look like they are set to explode!

Likes: 444
Sentiment: Bullish


$BTC. Likes: 2303
Sentiment: Bullish


$Spy $QQQ $Spy $BTC
If you don't know, now you know. I break down seasonality trends and give BTC & ETH both a price target in the below video! With $BTC still being at 25k if it tanks we're toast but if it goes over 30k we might see a HUGE spike. June is one of the best months for crypto historically.

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