Top Tweets about ETH - 01/23/2022-30

in tradernews3668 •  3 years ago 

Top 10 Tweets for BTC


$BTC What I have never understood is the Bull vs Bear mentality or the us vs them mentality. We should all support one another not throw mud at people while they are down. Why would another human get satisfaction from another persons pain.

Likes: 69
Sentiment: Neutral


$BTC 200 k in march

Likes: 154
Sentiment: Neutral


$NCT.X is the number 1 gainer on Coinbase all day. Guess what is #8... Tether. lol $BTC $SOL

Likes: 2003
Sentiment: Bullish


$AMC so much discounts wtfff $DOGE.X $BTC $ETH.X $GME

Likes: 2497
Sentiment: Bullish



If the fed govt accepts Fidelity’s etf application - we’ll know by Jan 27th, then it’s a nee bitcoin bull run.

Likes: 3586
Sentiment: Bullish


$BTC.Xbuy buy buy

Likes: 313
Sentiment: Neutral


$T A great way to pay down debt would be for American Telephone & Telegraph to buy $BTC. It’s a no-brainer that countries & progressive countries have done that have bright young leadership. Don’t let anyone fool you when they say $T is too conservative- they have almost the most debt in America. A reverse Morris trust is laughable.

Likes: 1113
Sentiment: Bullish


$ETH.X $BTC your $1 mill in crypto is worth half today-- money did not go to someone else. it vanished
so $1.5 trill pooof.

Likes: 4499
Sentiment: Neutral


$ODFL $SPY $BTC $QQQ $DJIA is anyone this old freight stock Monday for its inclusion into the Nasdaq 100?

Likes: 3887
Sentiment: Bullish


$BTC.Xian’s all gonna be ok. Who would’ve thought used car values up 30%.

Likes: 2099
Sentiment: Bullish

Likes: 3586
Sentiment: Bullish


$BTC.Xbuy buy buy

Likes: 313
Sentiment: Neutral


$T A great way to pay down debt would be for American Telephone & Telegraph to buy $BTC. Likes: 69
Sentiment: Neutral


$BTC 200 k in march

Likes: 154
Sentiment: Neutral


$NCT.X is the number 1 gainer on Coinbase all day. # Top 10 Tweets for BTC


$BTC What I have never understood is the Bull vs Bear mentality or the us vs them mentality. Likes: 3887
Sentiment: Bullish


$BTC.Xian’s all gonna be ok. Who would’ve thought used car values up 30%. Likes: 1113
Sentiment: Bullish


$ETH.X $BTC your $1 mill in crypto is worth half today-- money did not go to someone else. Likes: 4499
Sentiment: Neutral


$ODFL $SPY $BTC $QQQ $DJIA is anyone this old freight stock Monday for its inclusion into the Nasdaq 100? Why would another human get satisfaction from another persons pain.

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