Top 10 Tweets for BTC
$ADA.X Just sell it boys, dump it, trash it! you're just scared.
$ETH.X widely used ofc many loopholes.
$SOL.X 48%Insiders 13% Founders, balance is for you and me.
$BTC cmon, let's over leverage 1000X, we're the gamblers lol.
Likes: 867
Sentiment: Neutral
$EOSC.X $nakd $btc $etc buy this on's sooooo thin to .15
Likes: 180
Sentiment: Bullish
'"We look forward to expanding our crypto mining infrastructure, beyond our current purchase orders, with the assistance of Legal Capital."
#BottomFishing🎣 #Bitcoin #Crypto #BitcoinStocks #BitcoinMining #CryptoMining #SmallCaps $ETH $BTC #Ethereum
Likes: 457
Sentiment: Bullish
$EOSC.X Trend this!!! $ONE.X $btc $ETH.X she will flyyyy!
Likes: 180
Sentiment: Bullish
$ALGO.X El Salvador will utilize Algorand’s proof-of-stake blockchain network for infrastructure and services. $DGB.X $BTC $HMBL
Likes: 1607
Sentiment: Neutral
$BTC.X $GBTC $OBTC $btc #bitcoin El Salvador's new bitcoin wallets could cost Western Union and similar companies $400 million a year
Likes: 271
Sentiment: Neutral
$RIOT Blackrock - Schwab- Morgan. All were short the stock since Friday 2 weeks ago hit piece about millions in options at the leaps. Then 2 Friday s ago in AH they took it down and it’s been huge candles ever since until today’s expected Deadcat on paltry volume. Play there games. Not yours .......... $BTC.X$AMC $TSLA $BABA
Likes: 10979
Sentiment: Neutral
$ABUS better than $BTC
Likes: 25
Sentiment: Neutral
🌹🌹 💎infinity token💎 🌹🌹
Funds from the growth wallet are used to buy mining rigs. The team will be mining Bitcoin and Ethereum, making all profits public for the $IT investor to see. More volume = more rigs.💪🏻💪🏻😍😍
#Ethereum $BTC #InfinityToken #IT #MXS @InfinityTokenIO #InfinityToken
#mining www.infinitytoken
Likes: 20
Sentiment: Neutral
$ADA.X $BTC $ETH.X $ACH This is going to sound like a stupid question, probably super stupid - how do folks find out the pump and dump candidates before they are actually pumped?
Trying to understand this phenomenon
Likes: 6
Sentiment: Neutral
Top 10 Tweets for BTC
$ADA.X Just sell it boys, dump it, trash it! Likes: 180
Sentiment: Bullish
$ALGO.X El Salvador will utilize Algorand’s proof-of-stake blockchain network for infrastructure and services. Then 2 Friday s ago in AH they took it down and it’s been huge candles ever since until today’s expected Deadcat on paltry volume. All were short the stock since Friday 2 weeks ago hit piece about millions in options at the leaps. The team will be mining Bitcoin and Ethereum, making all profits public for the $IT investor to see. $BTC cmon, let's over leverage 1000X, we're the gamblers lol. $ETH.X widely used ofc many loopholes.