RE: Quick Trading Update.. Whats my plan for Ethereum?

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Quick Trading Update.. Whats my plan for Ethereum?

in trading •  8 years ago 

Oh man that sucks about losing the keys! I'm defintely going to invest in a cold wallet in the coming months and try to back everything up on to paper wallets aswell. I guess you think its losing your keys isn't going to happen to you until it does...

Im going to write myself some trading guidelines to strictly follow to try and avoid trading with emotin. I want to leave 50% of my profits to trade and grow the amount I can trade at a time then invest the other 50% for the long term. Or something along those lines anyway

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Yeah.. after seeing the way so many of the coins have grown to 10x 100x 1,000x and more, it is important to be investing as well as trading.. good plan..

I've been thinking along similar lines. However I'd like to grow my accounts a little more aggressively, so my current plan is to leave 10% of my position from a trade for long-term investment.