RE: Daytrading vrs Position Trading, which will make you more money?

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Daytrading vrs Position Trading, which will make you more money?

in trading •  8 years ago 

Thanks Luc for a quality video once again. But can you please explain in your next video one thing?

In one of your videos you mentioned that you set alerts everyday. So, for example, I set 15 alerts today and out of that 10 went off, what do you do with the remaining alerts? Do you delete them the next day and set new ones or keep them where they were?

This clarification would help newbies like us immensely. Thanks again.

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I set up way way way more alerts.. im sure I have over 200 alerts going at all times.. and I only reset them when they go off.. my newest video will explain how you just set alerts on everything that has a decent chart

rinse and repeat... it moves in cycles. set your alerts... when your alerts like to set another round of alerts for the uptick (on the coins I just bought, and where I plan to sell based off of other average sized bounces)... Then once the bounce happens, and you've sold... you have another base to go off of, and you can set another round of alerts for the drop. As for the alerts that didn't go off... I just leave them in case they do go off. If enough time goes by and the alerts become irrelevant you can delete them as you've probably already set new alerts for that coin.