Forex - Easy or Difficult? Trading Styles in Forex?

in trading •  7 years ago 

In FOREX trade there are several styles that are determined by the actions and moves of different investors. These are daily trader, position trader, swing trader and scalper.


Daily trading

This is a style in which positions are opened and closed within a day, as someone calls it an intraded trade. For de trades, it is important to track graphs for shorter time periods, such as 15-minute and 5-minute times. Never, however, do not miss the trend on the daily chart.


This style is a special case of de-trading, with the positions opening and closing within a few minutes or even seconds. Since here we are talking about gains within 5-10 pips, we usually open more volumes to make a fairly good profit. It is important to note that scalping is a technique that does not appeal to brokers, and if they understand that you are applying it, you will probably be banned. This is not done directly by reciting. Ripping is an action where a broker offers you a different price than what you saw when you click the "Buy / Sell" button, making scalping virtually impossible.

Swing Trading

In swing trading, the idea is to cover relatively short-term trends called swings. The positions can be opened from a few hours to a few weeks, making it much more relaxed than scalping. Generally, this technique is suitable for the accumulation of experience from novice traders.

Positions trading

In positions trading, positions are usually open for several months.


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1 more. naked trader. LOL
i trade on the naked charts without indicators :)

I'd say best is swing trading.

It is a matter of preferences and opportunities. ;)

It is best of the both worlds.

Scalping/Day trading: Too many trades, too fast, relatively higher risk, larger trades, etc etc.

--Swing trading: Anything between...

Position trading: Very few trades, too slow, low risk, small trades, etc etc.

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