Daytrading keeps me sane, while I wait for those Big TradessteemCreated with Sketch.

in trading •  8 years ago 

Hey everyone,

I want to talk to you about being patient and waiting for only the best opportunities before you buy with size. I daytrade to keep busy while I wait for the big trades. And in this video I actually record one of my penny trades live, while it's happening.

Thank you everyone for your upvotes and support of my blog. I hope that these videos are helping others make smart trading decisions. I know it can get overwhelming sometimes when everyday the market is changing, and accounts can seem like there on a roller coaster. If your feeling that way, your positions are likely too big, and you should size down. Trade smaller until you are confident, and then eventually everyday will be fun and easy.


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Thanks for the video update man, you're the only guy I follow and its nice to see you talking about topics that I can relate too. I've been taking losses to impatience and large buys, which in turn makes me constantly make the wrong moves. I've decided to take a step back for a bit and go back to what I know works...nibbles while I wait on opportunity.

Yes, that is the best plan.. I nibble all the time when I get impatient and it saves me alot of headache.. Its not easy to be patient.. but when that big trade does come, oh man it will pay you for all the trouble ...

HI Luc,

I've been absolutely obsessed with the crypto world now for over two months now (most of my friends want to strangle me) and without a doubt you are the most helpful, articulate person I've come across. 90% of trading tip-type videos ive run into are somebody unabashedly shilling a product/service or talking in circles and not really giving you any useful information. Your trading style has helped me immensely already and ive only watched a half dozen videos or so. I really like how basically the only indicator you use is Volume and I believe that's the correct way for how I should become proficient, by reading naked charts and not over-complicating things too much...

I was trying to use KST, FSI, MACD, BB, etc etc and it wasn't quite overwhelming but for me at least, it cluttered everything up too much and actually made it more difficult to interpret the chart because I'm so new at this. I was already starting with small accounts and am up $200 or so in the last couple weeks but I cannot stress enough how much what you're saying in your videos resonates with me as it clearly does with your other followers as well. You are the DEFINITION of a professional and I aspire to one day be as sharp a trader as you are. I'm going to pump the brakes on my day trading for the next week or so and just GORGE on all the content on your blog. The way you are helping everyday people overcome their fears and achieve their financial freedom (with no incentive, I might add) is just too awesome to accurately convey with words. I live in Fairbanks, Alaska and I must say our neighbors to the east are ALRIGHT!! I don't know where you're at in Canada but if you ever come to Alaska, I'd be offended if you didn't let me buy you a beer haha. But seriously, keep doing what you're doing and I hope God blesses everything you touch. You are changing people's lives and that's no BS. Have a wonderful day,

Kyle Robinson

P.S. Your buddy's market scanner is friggin' awesome. Especially since my primary exchange is Bittrex. I'll donate some btc here in the next few days. Also, I hope Coinigy integrates Binance soon. I know they only came on the scene a bit ago but I've heard good things besides the fact withdrawals take longer than most other exchanges. I recently got verified and look forward to trading there. Anyway, thanks again for your insight and I'll be watching your blog like a hawk.

+1 !!

How do you get your screen that big? My chart box on coinigy is half the size of yours on your screen.

40" screen

That is way better than my iPad and laptop then. I love what you are doing , Thanks so much!

Let's say I had $10,000 to invest long into ETH and wanted to grow it a little more aggressively than the already aggressive yearly return on said crypto. Would it be best to stick to no more than 10% of my total of $10,000 or $1,000 worth of ETH per trade? Or, since I'm already long on ETH for $10,000 would it be better to put in 25% or $2,500 positions (or higher) for each beautiful base that the ETH chart so faithfully produces? I watched your video on bankroll management, but something isn't clicking for me. Any thoughts, Luc? Thanks again for all you've done for the community.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Again @quickfingersluck great video! To the point and excatly what people need. I am one of those guys who got impatient and dived a little too deep a little too soon, the alts just continued to go down, I should have waited and gotten much better positions.

I understand that now, but I will not panick and sell I will wait for them to bounce back. I have started my crypto journey with $450 and went down to $280 because of all horrible decisions/scam coins/bad trades that were influence by me being a noob and believing horrible youtubers and their coin pumps. Your youtube challenge was like a God sent gift.

I managed to get to $1300 by day trading and learning to take good positions in just two weeks. Now I dropped to ~$1000 because I bought too soon and have been impatient(I also could have made much more, but I didnt hold enough, but I believe I took profit where I should have). I might have been lucky, but I learnt a lot along the way and I still managed to 4x my capital after all the newbie shenanigans of trying to guess the next hype coin. Now I know I need to be much more patient and understand that winning just a few % instead of 20% is much more important than having a chance to lose. Safe trades all day!

Again can't thank you enough @quickfingersluc !

At the end I would like to share my bases with Luc and the community.


I have looked at the START chart. The first thick yellow base was cracked at around july8th and didn't bounce back for quite a while, and along the way smaller bases were built,cracked and recovered and in the end the price bounced back to the thick yellow base.

Now we have the same situation where the second yellow base is cracked all the price has not bounced back to it yet.

Is this a good position to take and wait for the price to go up to the base? From history it seems it might take a week or two? But the % is huge. What do you guys think?


Thanks Luc. Your videos help keep ME sane through the wilderness of trading!

I fell in love with your voice the first day I heard you :-)

Luc, I am sure you covered this early on in one of your videos and for that I apologize. I am invested long term in BTC, ETH and LTC. I have taken profit from all three and researched the minor coins and added positions in the 9 best that I could come up with for 25% of the total holdings to create a crypto fund. My question to you is do I place sell orders for the core BTC,ETH and LTC holdings at ridiculously low prices (still taking a nice profit) to protect me in the case of something catastrophic like many of the detractors suggest happening? This would require keeping my portfolio for all three on Coinbase as well instead of cold storage I believe.
Thanks for the Master Class

Hey brad, I'm a trader.. So I don't think like an investor and cant really answer your investment questions. I simply trade and compound my coins over and over, regardless of how high BTC or ETH go.. I hold some free coins that I have created, but I use the bulk of my holdings to trade and create more and more coins.. Therefore I am investing for free, and trading is only a way to create more free investments.. Using these principles I have grown a modest $300 into a umm alot.

Like a boss, Luc! An inspiration.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hey Luc,

Firstly, I would like to express my thanks for all the time you spend to try and assist us in understanding how the world of CryptoTrading behaves! The insights have really sped up the learning curve for me.

I've noticed that what is happening in the world re CryptoNews really affects spikes/ drops hugely. Just recently a news bulletin popped up (in Coinigy) about trading volumes on Korean exhanges surging and essentially being the reason that BCC is spiking.

My question to you would be, is there a good site that you use to catch these type of alerts sooner? Although that news from Cryptocoins is interesting, it would have been more interesting had i received it a day ago ahead of the surge. Maybe my example isn't the best, but I was still wondering if you follow any particular site that assists you in 'being ready' to catch a spike or drop?

Thanks again!

@dsel - luc's trading method doesn't rely on news, he pays attentions to charts and how the markets react. Of course if there is major news that everyone is aware of like the. Itcoin split that's a different situation... but for the most part, he preaches trading of charts rather than news. And I would agree.

Thanks Tizzle. I have been following him and agree with what you are saying. I was just curious to know if there was a particular news feed he followed re Crypto. Always good to be kept reliably informed!

Apparently I wasn't looking at the fastest news feed. Turns out rumor is that Bitcoin cash surged in price because they recently mined an 8 megabyte block vs they're regular 2 megabytes size and mining was soon to become more profitable mining Bitcoin cash than Bitcoin which happened a little while later today. What I'd like to know is if the price of Bitcoin falling during this time was inspired by the increase in Bitcoin cash price?

Is it just me or are BTC and ETH following the same pattern on their charts?

I learned a lot, thanks!

Really appreciate these videos! thanks for the education opportunity!

Hello Luc- inot sure if you saw my previous question in your other thread but in case you havent let me ask you here as well : Do you mind sharing some account builder charts?

Hi Luc! I have a security question.

I keep reading that it is unsafe to keep money on the exchanges, but of course I need the money on the exchange when the drop happens.

Is it actually unsafe even with two factor authentication turned on everywhere?

If so, what is the best way (lowest fees) to quickly get money from a wallet to an exchange?

And should I pull out all of the money after every trade? Every night before I go to bed? What are the best practices for this sort of thing?

Thank you!

Luc, I would like to second this set of questions? Could you provide a video on how you manage your tokes/fiat off screen? Your videos so far have given me the confidence to begin position trading here within the next couple of weeks and hearing about your off screen planning/strategy/process would be icing on the cake . My most sincere thanks for all you are providing!
Cheers, Thaddeus

Thanks again, Luc for everything.
Here are 2 trades from yesterday and today.

  1. I was trying my hand at day trade. Bought at approximately 83800 and sold for 88000 in a few minutes ( Approx 5%)

  2. Position trade. Bought at approximately 75800 and sold for 99300 today morning. Approximately 31% profit.

You can only see my buys and not sells, because I am selling all directly on bittrex for now. I still have to learn how to layer out my buys and sells, but as of now, I am happy with my progress. Thanks again for everything.

That's exactly what happened to me. I've a small account and bought a little early and really felt the heat. I cut out Dash on break-even but it went back to it's base a few hours later. Man that didn't feel good. But on the other side of the coin I also cut out LTC and ETC and they keep falling so I'm glad I cut out those two

You're a natural.

Hello Luc,

Just wanted to thank you from France for all your tips and your videos (I have upvote all of them no exception). I am kinda new in this business even tho I have been a banker before and know the regular market. But crypto currency is something else. I am watching all the news regarding crypto currency, how the charts are moving, etc... Since I am living in another country at the moment I am struggling to make my I.D card validation and start with a small budget. Until then I would like to trade without anything like an offline trading so if anyone knows a way to train on the market without any money just hit me up. (Might be a stupid question).

Thank's again Luc and keep it up.

I am also living in another continent but it has not stopped me from creating accounts on Bittrex, Kraken and Coinigy. All they want is a phone, email and address to start with smaller accounts. All the best!

Thank you for your advice I will check this tomorrow it's 11 p.m and I still have a lot of work to do and at the same time looking at charts !
Cheers !

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I think it's great that you have acknowledged the lack of solid opportunities in position trading using your strategy - the market isn't performing as it usually does. Perhaps due to the sudden rise of BTC?
I have not made many trades lately but it helps me relax if you have confirmed this as well.
I'm sure you have seen this before with it only to pick up a week later.

This is the time not to get desperate for action guys - so many mistakes can be made if you trade an unqualified strategy due to impatience.

Wow, thanks Luc! I've been a little too thick into these alt coins and when BTC decided to run up, I felt like I'd never recover back up to baseline to take profits. I can't tell you how indebted I am to you for posting all of your insightful videos. You are changing my life! Thank you so much!

I was JUST thinking about asking you something similar.

When trying to do your method of waiting for panics to crack bases, sometimes I find myself waiting all day, or even days, before I find a good opportunity.

I've tried daytrading, but it seems I'm not good enough at it yet to make money consistently, even in just small amounts.

But these "small trades" you make while waiting for position trades still seem awesome!

How often do you make these kinds of trades? Like can you expect to do several a day?

And how long are these "daytrades" on average?

I mean, I understand that the safest trades is your position trading "method" (cracked base, with a base validated by a huge bounce), but while waiting for such opportunities, making a few hundred dollars "here and there" sounds like TONS OF FUN!

Can you give any more tips regarding this, especially for someone who doesn't seem to have much luck with daytrading?

I set up about 40 alerts few days ago and about 4 alerts started to alert me about price change on particular coins and it was awesome. Next I set up alerts to alert me if the price will go even lower and lower, bought 3 times as price dropped down and guess what ;) Later the price started to increase, touched the base line and even increased a bit above ! ;) Not sure if I am lucky or i really determined the base lanes correctly, but the 'base' technique worked well for me for all coins which was alerted ;) I also caught ETH/USD, bought for $282, sold for $295 as it was clearly 'base' ;)
But I have one question. As I said, I set up about 40 alerts on different coins few days ago and only yesterday alerts started working, but what should i do with these alerts? I mean, do i need to delete them and look for new bases as it passed few days and maybe new base lines should be noticed on these coins?
Should I check the charts each day and check the new base lines or I should wait longer if I set up alerts few days ago ?

You've got what it takes.

Hi Luc,

Thank you for all of your helpful videos! I have been watching almost every single one that you release. I am working on growing a small account, and would like to day trade instead of always waiting for the obvious opportunities. I hated watching bitcoin rise day after day and not really knowing when to get in. I saw in one of your past videos that you sold at a "level" and then bought back in when it dipped a little. For you, when is it a good time to get back into a crypto? I would also like to add that when I sell, i don't sell out, I just sell a small percentage just to lock in some of my profit. But I want to see if you could recommend a strategy for putting my profits back into said crypto so that I can continue to grow my account daily. Thanks again for the great videos.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

hey luc thanks for showing the penny stocks? What program do you use to do that?

Also could u show regular stocks as well? Your videos are always perfect for the timing/charts thanks!

From what I remember, Luc trades pennys on Interactive Brokers' platform and subscribes to stock scanners to alert him of day trading opportunities. I'm sure he'll verify if he gets a minute - or 30.

Well crafted.

Thanks, Luc! I have been watching videos about trading none stop. Every single trader teaching videos say's the same thing. Patient, safe, trades. You guys seem to all rather miss out on a break way then lose money. I feel that and No FOMO is my trading motto :) This aint't Vegas baby :P

This is so helpful.


curious about this luc? help us stay sane! can you stay sane in trading in crypto you said it's pennystocks but i have a small account so daytrading in crypto for a ~$600 account would be big gains for me at even $30 a day type trading-

can you?

Nice video as always mate, Thankyou.
Been watching the inverse correlation of BTC-Bcc charts and trading between the two.
The idea came to me after watching your youtube vid!
EDIT - meant to add, this does not remain constant!

Apparently, @jverhoelen has built a dynamic crypto correlation chart, but the page doesn't seem to work for me. Maybe you'll have better luck, @btcunbranded...

BCC is way to high now. Most likely going to have a steady drop this weekend and I am looking to buy in for a quick bounce. Should be fun to watch.

Hi Luc, my friend and I are both new to the crypto world, we've watched all your videos and then practiced day-trade yesterday, everything worked out just like how you taught in the videos. We really appreciate that you shared your experiences with others. However, could you recommend some small coins besides btc and eth for new comers like us? (i think you mentioned couple in one of the video, but is there more of them that you think have great potential.) Really thank you again.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hey Luc, does this upload lack audio ?

Anyways, love your work and how you explain trading.

Thank you !

It works on YouTube, might be a bug is setting I miss from the steem app I use

no it has audio

Thank you for sharing this.

Hi luc,

Thank you again for making these video's and answering people's questions.

I Understood your position trading concept and I also understand the 2 concepts of daytrading (fat finger trades and the pull back after big run trades). However, I've re-watched the daytrading video(s) and I don't think I quite understand what you mean with account building trades or at least how to consistently do them successfully.

Are you trying to find a chart that is going up and down to the same resistance and support levels consistently? So that you are pretty sure it's going back up to the same resistance level once you buy at the low point? I'm not really sure, but that's what I got from it. I'd appreciate it if you could clarify because I'm really looking to build a small account to make those big position trades.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hey @quickfingersluc thanks for all the videos! They're super clear and have been very helpful getting me started with crypto trading. You've mentioned a few times that your strategy for penny stock trading is quite different. Do you have any resources or helpful tools for getting started there as well? Would love your input on that area of trading too!

Keep up the great work

Thank you for another video! I'm just starting and joined the slack and facebook group. I'll try to help others find bases or at least give my opinion. Asked a question on slack about if anyone knows if it's safe to trade with USDT due to the "trump" news it got! ;)


What trump news? There are concerns about USDT's liquidity, but I don't know any "Trump news" that should be a concern.

I was talking about the liquidity and faith in the coin. The balances they showed had inconsistencies but perhaps that already went by and everything's fine, that's why I was asking.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

lol @ trump news. Another lefty can't help themselves :)

Hi Luc, thanks for these videos - they've been hugely helpful.

One question I have - in this video you talk about taking "baby trades" in some of the alt coins just to keep your sanity, but you save your big money moves for BTC and ETH because they are safer. I completely get that.

But, to make sure I'm understanding correctly, the percentage return on a BTC or ETH swing is generally lower than on a small volume alt coin, right? For instance, it's not hard at all to find 20% and 30% swings on small coins, but ETH and BTC large swings seem to be more in the 8% - 14%. Am I reading that correctly in the charts?

Agreed, higher risk can often mean higher rewards.. So the smaller alts often will move much larger percentages, and therefore its is just safer to make smaller trades on them.. But BTC and ETH can swing 50% or greater, just look back in the charts.. BTC was at 1800 a few weeks ago.. and then we hit a high of 4400.. thats some pretty big movements...

Good point. Thanks for the helpful reply.

Great job at explaining trading in sensible terms, I think yours is some of the best advise I've heard, cheers

Seems like Bitcoin should get a bounce above 4200 but with all this uncertainty with Bitcoin cash in their new 8 megabyte block possibly stealing some of Bitcoin Thunder I'm beginning to worry. I bought at today's low and contemplating selling now. What is everyone's thoughts?