The Happy Steem Trader episode #17 .. I'm busy converting Youtubers into Steemers

in trading •  9 years ago  (edited)

We all have to do our part to draw traffic to steemit.

Since I have started this video series The Happy Steem Trader I have noticed my many more Youtubers are viewing my videos faster than the steemit community. For this reason, I am starting every video with a short explanation about why everyone should join steemit. We all have to use our connections to advertise steemit. Im getting more and more questions from YouTube followers and I make sure to respond to every comment.

My last two blog posts started to get noticed by some Whales and mini Whales. I can't tell you how excited this makes me, to know that my content is starting to get some attention. Also with the price of steem at such a great buy, I'm continuing to load the boat at these levels. This will allow me to create more free steem with the next price spike and really juice up my steem power.

Whales are very quick to upvote new members who are popular in other forums. The reason for this is obvious, if these new members hold influence outside steemit, they can bring a lot of new users with them. So for those of us that maybe dont have that status in other arenas, we must try to get creative and find ways to advertise steemit. And as you do think of new ways to grow our comunity, let everyone know in your posts and you will be rewarded twofold. You may get a thank you in the form of some upvotes and you will make steemit better by adding content creators to the ranks.

Ok, here's today's video..

Thanks again for watching and for all your support with upvotes. And try to think of ways to advertise this great platform that we are all enjoying. Lets bring in new members and break some records.


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Good to hear...very encouraged me have patient and stick to Steemit...I am enjoying my journey on Steemit so happy to know others are getting recognized and being acknowledged by the whales and mini whales...

Hey, keep posting man.. your time will come.. I'll start following you and check out your posts :)

@quickfingersluc good post. Watching as steem pushes lower. Once we find a bottoming process I'm looking to purchase.

However, we need to hold this most recent low otherwise we will likely see sub .002

I'm following your blog now.

Good luck with the cricket!

Thanks, that cricket will be the death of me... grrrr

I understand investing in steem, but why library? It looks dead to me.

very cool.. I'm waiting for the LBC to get a very needed spike .. lol

Congrats on the whale.