RE: Would you like to join the QuickFingersTraders Slack Channel? Here is the invite

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Would you like to join the QuickFingersTraders Slack Channel? Here is the invite

in trading •  7 years ago 

Catching on a bit late in the game here, but I burned through all your material and have started using the techniques you've shown to make some real profit for myself. I am hoping to continue my journey by learning as much as possible from you and the rest of the community that seems to have formed around you. Looking forward to the future and potential you have helped me find!

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Yeah, its gotten a little crazy.. the slack doors were closed to new members at 4,000 people.. and im not sure when those doors will be open again. .. but there is too many new traders trying to reach out to me than I can handle.. But hopefully soon we can get you in the slack with us..

Hi @quickfingersluc!

went trough all your videos and learned a lot! Thanks to you I was able to quit my job and live my life trading your way. I can not thank you enough! Great to see the slack is doing so well. Would appreciate it if you let me know when the slack is reopening. I'm out of video's to watch so would love to get in to get more info. @hodlgod @pelt @tizzle Let me know! Thanks in advance. You changed my life.

Yeah there still are no slack invites, but you can join the discord channel: