Islamic customs

in tradition •  7 years ago  (edited)

Aqiqah Is one of the traditions that took place long ago and also in practice by Rasulullah SAW. Aqiqah in religious terms means slaughtering animals for newborn children as a form of gratitude to Allah SWT for His grace, with certain intentions and conditions. By some scholars, aqiqah is interpreted by some scholars in call with nasikah or dzabihah, ie animals are slaughtered.
Although there is not much literature to mention, the possibility of this akikah tradition is rooted in the history of the sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim AS. Shariah akikah itself has been known and commonly done since the time of ignorance, but in a way different from that led by the Prophet SAW to Muslims.

A number of history mentions, tradition akikah actually also take place in the period of ignorance. They do that for their newborn son, especially boys. The way they do is to slaughter a goat, then the blood is taken smeared into the baby's head.

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