fermented rice-culinary aceh-delicious food-sweet tasty sour


tape is a typical culinary prayer aceh very delicious. This tape is made from rice that is to be cultivated. want to know how? following the steps.

making tape from rice or rice is very easy. You just have to prepare the materials above. Then we process, first you cook first rice to be rice. Remember, do not be too hard, try a little water a little but not too much too, because it will be porridge later.

After the rice is cooked, take it and place it on a banana leaf-covered tray. Do not forget the banana leaves yes, because if you do not use banana leaves will be sticky rice on the tray, and you yourself will be bothered later. Let the rice first, while waiting for a little cold, you take the yeast and puree with a spoon in a bowl, try to be as smooth as possible to be evenly distributed when sown into rice.

After the rice is rather cold, sprinkle the yeast you just pureed into the rice until evenly distributed, and sprinkle a little salt over the rice but not too much ea, can salt your tape, just a little. Then stir the rice until you are sure that the yeast is completely evenly and even blends with the rice. After that we live form, you can shape it as you wish. Can you round shape, or you solidify in the mold, or you can also wrap it with a banana leaf.

After you form, you close tightly, then wrap it in a cloth until it is completely closed and without air space. After you pack, keep it in a closet that is tightly closed and rarely opened, so that the tape is easy to heat to get the tape that is the maximum sweetness.

Let the Tape in the closet approximately 2 x 24 hours or for two days. After that you open and flush the tape with sugar water, if you want sich banyakin sugar let sweet. Udah dech, ready to eat tape. GOOD LUCK....!

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