Traditions The liqui liqui, liquiliquis or liquilique: It is the traditional costume of the Venezuelan plains and is used mostly as a male outfit of joropo. It consists of hat and guama hair, shirt, pants and espadrilles, is also used by women.
Typical costume for a woman to dance joropo: Long printed dresses. You can go above the knees, some with shipowners and silk, espadrilles, and on the head wear a headdress of different flowers and colors.
Typical Costume of the Guajira (Maracaibo): Composed by a very wide dressing gown of many colors, sandals with enormous acorns or big motes of wool of different colors, and woven portfolio.
Typical costume of Margarita (Nueva Esparta): White pants with half-leg sleeves, striped flannel and a moriche hat.
Typical Amazon raje: Women wear a mid-calf floral skirt and white blouse with indigenous belts and necklaces, the man in fisherman's suits, white pants and colored shirt with indigenous necklaces, some tribes still wear guayuco and the naked torso.
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