Trans Rights Gone Too Far - Former Man Destroys Women in NCAA Contest

in trans ā€¢Ā  6 years agoĀ 

Trans Rights Gone Too Far - Former Man Destroys Women in NCAA Contest


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When Trans rights go too far.

Iā€™m a sensitive guy.

A well made commercial could have me leaking out of my eyes. Iā€™m not a hateful person. I support both genders, all races, any skin color. I donā€™t judge someone negatively just because they have mental health issues. I have plenty of mental health issues, and Iā€™m a good person who tries to make the world better.

So whatā€™s the problem.

Well, here it is. Tolerance gone too far. A man who recently began identifying as a woman, raced in an NCAA championship, and won.

The same man was ranked 200th, and 390th previously, took a year off (presumably to take female hormones). Then he won, in a female competition.

Now, some of you may say ā€œuse the pronoun he wants.ā€

I have a trans friend who I like and respect very much. Born a male, sheā€™s now female. When we met, she was a man. We both agree that gender dysphoria is a mental health issue. She asked me to refer to her as a female out of respect. And so, out of love, I put aside all logic to show her that I care.

But the ā€˜toleranceā€™ has gone too far.

Actual women are being hurt now. Women who have worked their whole lives to excel in athletics are now being beaten by biological males.

Simply because weā€™ve allowed this whole ā€œbe sensitive and tolerantā€ thing to get out of hand.

Remember when Bruce / Caitlyn Jenner became woman of the year shortly after killing someone in a car accident? Does that not spit in the face of all the biological women who have contributed untold value to our world? Women who havenā€™t killed anyone due to manslaughter, who werenā€™t born with a penis?

If you truly support womenā€™s rights, these two examples should be painful for you as well.

Biological men are tearing at the fabric of womenā€™s athletics, and even taking the spotlight away from heroic women.

Iā€™m a loving person. And I was always taught that dishonesty was bad (even though I ignored that advice for many years). So Iā€™ll be honest and say - this is wrong.

Watch the video for more.

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