Why Are They Still Making Transformers Movies? The Last Knight is the Man of Sin!

in transformers •  7 years ago 

I was able to catch Transformers: The Last Knight over the weekend. After reading all the terrible reviews, I'm convinced the only reason why the film was made, was to continue to push the Ancient Alien Agenda into the public subconscious.

The patterns in these films are becoming much too obvious. An end of the world scenario through some kind of hostile alien threat, followed by some kind of human hero, and in the case of the Transformers franchise, an alien hero in defense of mankind. This fictional plot is being set up to suggest that even the most popular religious figure in the history of humanity, Jesus Christ, was just an alien. In fact, the writers of the scripts were effectively creating a revisionism of human history by taking our real life mythologies like the story of Merlin, and adding "Transformers" as the punch line. The tactic is not unlike the infamous Georgio Tsukalos of History Channels "Ancient Aliens," who suggests all of human history is thanks to the "ALIENS!"


It is my humble opinion that these types of films are propaganda pieces to get the masses ready for some kind of disclosure event. Which, by the way, had been the buzz all week after an Anonymous affiliated YouTube channel published a video suggesting that NASA will soon announce the existence of alien life. While NASA has rejected the claims, the fact is, the unwitting public are continually being pounded by the idea that "aliens are real," through the not so subtle methods of mind control from Hollywood. In fact, the governments of the world can announce "aliens" without them ever appearing in public. If microbial life forms like bacteria are found in space, followed by some kind of uncovering of an ancient civilization, the narrative of "aliens made us" can very easily be pushed, and the world will believe this lie.

Just as a side not, if you think Hollywood gaining direction from military industrial complex for some kind of propaganda is ridiculous, consider the article published by the The American Journal of Economics and Sociology early this year titled "The Historical Roots of CIA-Hollywood Propaganda." [1]

The Abstract states, "This article recounts the history of the process by which Americans came to accept the ideas continuously promoted by the government, often without knowing that their favorite movies and television shows had been vetted or even altered by agents of the CIA or the Pentagon. Since these practices violate federal laws, the public at least has a right to know that we are being subjected to this sort of propaganda and how much tax money is spent to produce entertaining forms of disinformation."

If credible academic journals are making the connection, then it shouldn't be hard for the public to consider the implications. In addition to this premise that our government and other nefarious organizations have their fingerprints all over the plots of big Hollywood films, is the reminder of what entertainment media, especially what had traditionally been considered "journalism" has become in recent years. In 2012, Obama reversed the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act, "which explicitly forbids information and psychological operations aimed at influencing U.S. public opinion." [2]

So ask yourself why. Why is this narrative being pushed and prepared, first by the Vatican and the Pope with their astro-theology conference last decade, and now with major scientists suggesting the preparation of the discovery of life in "space"? It's all leading to what has been coined by some folks in our small research communities as "The Great Deception."

The Great Deception consists of a method by our spiritual enemies, to create a massive end times deception that will cause all humans to unite under a single world dictatorship, as well as accept all the perks that come with it. Such an idea seems ridiculous given the religious divisions we have today between all kinds of spiritual belief systems. However, if "aliens" are introduced into the fold, then all of the sudden, all religions will have a transcendent explanation, but rooted in "modern science" as in the darwinian theory of evolution. And if you follow the philosophical logic train of the theory of evolution, you would come to the conclusion that life is truly meaningless, and that all purpose is illusory. Such a conclusion would lead to the very worldview that would tout the satanic mantra, "Do as thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law." And this is what occultists over the years have written about, this "externalization of the hierarchy" or the "revelation of the method" where the masses are indoctrinated into a particular worldview that ultimately only serves the ultra elite.

But to pay off this post, let me just fill you in on one element of the The Last Knight that clearly indicates knowledge of bible prophecy by someone behind the scenes of the film, enough for me to say that The Last Knight IS the Man of Sin!

It's quite simple actually. In the film, Cade Yeager, the main human character, is given a gift, an ancient medallion. While it looks like just a stone medallion, it in fact has the qualities of the synthetic nanotechnology that make the one who holds the medallion the "chosen one." But what's interesting is that in a scene when Yeager is discussing the medallion with Agent Simmons, he is told that it is "the first of the seven seals." Well let's check out what it says about that in the Bible.

Revelation 6:1-2
Now I watched when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder, “Come!” And I looked, and behold, a white horse! And its rider had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he came out conquering, and to conquer.

I won't get into the whole breakdown on this post, but most Bible scholars and commentators agree; this is talking about the man of sin, popularly known as the "Antichrist." If we are to follow the logic presented in the film, with the understanding of Biblical eschatology, Cade Yeager is the Antichrist! But in good ole' Hollywood fashion, he's the hero of the epic. But not without the help of Optimus Prime, who could be considered the biblical dragon, who gave authority and power unto the man of sin.

To get more details of how 'Transformers 5: The Last Knight' was truly another propaganda hit piece of alien disclosure, check out my video The LAST KNIGHT is the MAN OF SIN! 🤖 Transformers is Propaganda for the Coming Great Deception!

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They have a new method of making money with movies now honestly.
They are just bombarding everything with millions of dollars worth of effects and explosions,
Obviously that's the new method of making tons of money now, who cares bout the story right? LOL

It's certainly not doing well in the U.S. (total only about $75 million so far): http://www.boxofficemojo.com/franchises/chart/?id=transformers.htm

But it was a big hit in China ($197 million): http://variety.com/2017/film/news/transformers-the-last-knight-box-office-international-china-1202477913/

The total profit is reported as being $272 million worldwide, against a budget of $217 million. ($55 million profit): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformers:_The_Last_Knight

And they control the narrative for psychological manipulation.

They want to have their cake and eat it too.

uhh..... this was.....intense to read

Simple answer, MONEY Transformers 4 is the #1 movie of all time in (say it in Trumps voice) CHINA. Marky Mark signed a big fat check to make a trilogy our of this of this Micheal Bay trash

Dude, loved this post! I totally agree 100% with everything you just said, and I know you're only scratching the surface. just followed and very happy to have come across you!

Because they r still making money and people r still going to the cine to watch this s***t :/
Just like Fast and Furios for ex ...

OH! Duh! Just now realized who you are... what up Gonz!! Man I'm such a HUGE fan of yours you dont even know! WHEN is Age of Deceit coming out? I am so pumped on that one! I came across the original right at the time of my awakening and Ill never forget how that impacted me. Please keep up the great work brother!

Thanks mikesynodin! Appreciate the encouragement. Been working on AOD3 for a few weeks now. I'm hoping to have it out before the end of the year. Thanks for the support :)

Yes! Man I can't even believe I'm back and forthing with you :)! Loving this bro! You do amazing work.. saturated with truth.. God is good!

Hmm.... interesting view. Followed you. Looking forward to see more of your posts.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I watched Transformers 4 with my friends and it was horrible. Blows in every scene and very silly speeches of actors.. it seemed to me they do this only to make more money

Interesting viewpoints. Would be pretty cool to see legitimate Aliens in our lifetime. With how vast and varied the universe is only a modern day idiot would dismiss the idea of alien life.

so ... first of all they have been testing deception on the public ever since the printing press and have come to perfecting it with tv and movies ... there are hundred of old movies and shows that predict 9/11 ...

This is just one example that came to my mind there are plenty more if u look
---second most movies have a Jesus like character a savior and yes i know that a lot of myths are recycled but in most stories we see printed in comic books, in cartoons or even on the wide screen if u step back and think you shall see the deception ... they are marketing good as evil and maleficent as misunderstood or even more ... they are trying to distort the truth and blur the line between light and dark till it is all gray and we can`t distinguish wright from wrong.
This is just one of the videos on youtube that portrait Messianic figures as evil doers or bad guys and satanic figures as the saviors

Remember that before salvation can come we will endure a GREAT DECEPTION .

As a side-note they did this In The Dark Knight, Matrix , Superman,Thor ...
And they are not hiding this is a taste about what they think

if u dont have time to watch the other 2 please watch at least this one ... it is a eye opener I can talk about this all day ... but dont wanna make this comment a boring long thing ...

Amazing read!! :)

Wow, I am so glad to have run into you and this post spirit
Ole volumes about who you are. I'm in total agreement with what is ahjpeming with pushing propaganda at the people. The brainwashing is becoming so common now, they don't even try to change the concept very much, just keep pushing the message. It's becoming so confusing for people they don't feel the need to believe , but if your gonna believe in the good, may as well believe in Jesus. Thank you for this post.

I'm not interested is viewing it but our son and his friends want to see it.

What baffles me is who the fuck is funding these movies?
I refuse to believe they actually break even, yet alone make money, for this dogshit.

Transformers 4 Broke records in the box office.. especailly in the international market

Unbelievable; I've never met someone in my entire life that genuinely enjoys the series or any of the movies.

younger generation.. I did in my 20s.

Well here I thought it was going to be a posts about Transformers, than I got an earful about the Vatican . As a great friend said to me one time, f*** the Pope.

Keep up the good work Gonz. May God Bless you in all your Truth searching endeavors. Sincerely, Servant of Yeshua 7

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I believe if they focus on how humans are way more dangerous on each others than aliens :D , we would see something better in the future coming with the new generations .

Also I think you might see Transformers 6 coming next year cuz ppl like to watch fictions like yeah aliens are bad not us they r dangerous not us so yeah unfortunately these movies will be always on the top .