The following chart mapping 2x21 macro concepts of self enhancement will provide guidance for the journey beyond your own limitations. This is a map of mastery, of self improvement and of striving towards a better future.
It is your choice now:
Do you want to experience sickness, suffering & wasted opportunities - or do you want to thrive and experience pure blissful flow towards new existential states of well-being ?
Do you want to strive for Eudaimonia (as described by Aristotle over 2400 years ago) or do you just want "damnation" and decline ?
In the upper half you find transhuman concepts, in the lower half you find traditional concepts. They are further divided into BODY|MIND|SPIRIT sub categories.
But the most important part of it all is actually the "Conceptual Convergence Zone" in the middle of the map. Always follow these 6 steps, when you integrate a new concept of self-improvement into your life.
This map of mastery will keep you occupied for at least 10 years, if you spend 3-6 months of serious effort and research on each seperate topic !