Transpersonal psychology is the study or field of psychology which combines the transpersonal and the secular aspects of this individual's experience. This can be seen in terms of its definition by some psychologists. According to them, "transpersonal" is a more complex concept than "secular." It involves the intersections of religion and psychology. For this reason, many people refer to transpersonal psychological theories as "unnatural," since the two concepts often go hand in hand. This type of psychology can be considered to be a cross between religion and psychology.
There are three primary areas where it differs from traditional forms of psychology. First, it explores the role of the unconscious mind in generating and transmitting experience. Second, in this area the focus is on the individual's relationship to the physical self, including their own perception of their body, and how this interacts with various experiences. Finally, the third area examines the individual's relationship to external forces such as society and other individuals. In doing so, they may explore such ideas as culture, language, power, and language.
When it comes to understanding the concepts of Transpersonal psychology, it helps to first examine what these terms mean. The term "transpersonal" refers to an idea that there are multiple ways in which an individual's experience in the world can cross over into the unconscious mind. Some individuals believe that the unconscious mind has control over one's behavior, emotions, beliefs, and motivations. Others believe that individuals are the products of their environment and experience. Still others believe that each person lives a transpersonal life, which is separate and distinct from the lives of everyone else.
This can be seen in everyday life, in the way each of us differently reacts to situations. A parent, for instance, may inadvertently cause their child to withdraw from society, due to the parent's own feelings of withdrawal. This affects not only the child but the entire family as well. It is not uncommon for adults to purposely isolate themselves so as to avoid dealing with the broader social issues that come with growing up in a multicultural society. Similarly, an individual who grows up in a rural or poor community may deliberately isolate himself from society to avoid joining groups of people who share his background and experience. The point here is that each of our personal responses to life's circumstances and experiences leaves a mark on the way we perceive the world.
Understanding these nuances requires that we separate our personal experiences and perspectives from those of others. For example, if one's parents were abusive physically or emotionally, they likely would view their experience from an outsider's perspective-that is, from an outsider's perspective-and not as a valuable contributor to who they are as an individual. Understanding the perspectives of those who come after the abuse will require the individual to look within themselves and to construct their experience as something that is uniquely their own. The same holds true when looking at an abusive situation from the perspective of another who was directly or indirectly affected by the event. These reflections can be very complex and demanding, but the payoff is usually worth it.
Transpersonal psychology is the study of how our human minds work to understand the perspectives of other individuals. In essence, it is about understanding how we move through life based on what we already know or believe about ourselves. Understanding this process begins with an individual's self-observation-what they see and feel on a regular basis. As these feelings and observations become familiar, they begin to shape and dictate the path for their life-decisions and actions-not only in the here and now, but into the future as well.