You have waited five years for this moment. Your dream house is finally a reality. Two rooms, a huge hall, a big kitchen that opens into the backyard, and a library. This is all you ever wanted and it has taken form in front of your eyes. All that is left to do is move. In the excitement for the new house, you forgot to take into account the horrors that surround moving.
If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail
Life is not a movie. You aren’t sitting around the big hall and sharing stories from the time in the old house and the main importance of logistic transport. Packing is not filled with nostalgia and love. Moving is tedious and frustrating. If not planned correctly it might end in a screaming match. Before your dream turns into a nightmare, we have a checklist for you.
List, List, List!
If it is out of sight, it’s out of mind. Even though it may sound trivial, do not leave anything out. The wall-clock in your garage that no one has ever looked at also needs to be added to the list. Checking off things from your list not only gives you a sense of accomplishment but clears the clutter in your mind. Talking of clutter,
Marie Kondo-Ing Your Luggage
A new house inevitably means a new beginning. However, there is a choice to be made between what goes into the new house and what needs to be let go. According to Marie Kondo, you keep things that are needed and spark joy in your life and one more thing is moving into college a concise guide to packing. Kondo is an organizational consultant, author, and TV host. Her step-by-step system of decluttering known as the Kondo-Marie method will help you organize your things. There is a free checklist of the same available online.
Aid Un-Packing as You Proceed
The way you pack your things is the way it is going to be unpacked in your new house. This might seem like a given but this is important when you consider the fragile things you own. The “handle with care” luggage needs to be packed carefully, placed properly, and later opened safely as well.
Essentials Indeed!
Another thing that needs to be kept in mind is to pack your essentials and valuables differently from the rest of your luggage. Firstly, because they are important and secondly, they need to be easily retractable once in the new home.
Avoid The Pivot!
You need to know if the couch that survived the Kondo-Marie check-list will fit through the doors of your new house. Detailed measuring and cataloging will lead to a smooth transition and avoid confusion.
Just Make That Phone Call
Although you might want to convince yourself otherwise, you need the added help. You need to check the services online for movers and packers for hire. There have been countless medical cases registered for moving-related injuries and you wouldn’t want to contribute to that list. Hired help, if informed in advance, can also help with the packing thus reducing the burden.