What Not To Toss In A Trash Can

in trashcan •  6 years ago 


After investing your hard earned money in a trashcan, it is apparent that you aim at enjoying the most service from it. Additionally, throwing some kind of trash destroys its overall look and exposes you to numerous threats. Due to this, some states took a step further to illegalize disposal of various waste in the bins.

To ensure that you don’t fall on the wrong side of the law, we took the deliberation to educate you on what not to throw in your kitchen trash can. By avoiding the disposal of the items below, you will keep the environment clean, prevent the spread of diseases and maintain a neat look of your trashcan.

Without further ado, let’s get into the list of what not to throw in the garbage can!

1.Paint cans/ flammable refuse

Apart from containing hazardous content, paint also soils up your trash can thus making it least presentable. To dispose of paint cans of, ensure that they are empty and dried off thus preventing respiratory diseases. Additionally, you should ensure that you don’t throw flammable refuse into your waste.

Prevention is better than cure! Although it seems like an impossibility, fires may arise from your trashcan. For instance, someone harmlessly throws a cigarette remain in your trash can full of flammables. This may lead to combustion of the waste thus risking spread of fires and releasing toxic substances into the air.

2.Trash with mercury content

Mercury is a poisonous substance that should be disposed of in a manner that it poses less threat to one’s health. Disposing of this in your trash risks you getting poisoned when handling your trash can. To eliminate mercury, place the content in a leak-proof container and label before dropping to a waste management facility.


Batteries are of different types thus require different methods of disposal. Most cells contain corrosive substances. These corrosive materials are harmful to the environment and therefore discouraged to be thrown in the trash. To dispose of batteries, take to specific facilities that handle old cells to prevent any environmental damages.

4.Needles/screws/nails and medical waste

No matter what quality your garbage bag is, no bag can withstand sharp objects. These lead to leakage of waste into your trash can thus bringing contact of garbage and the can. In turn, this causes your garbage can to acquire the smell of trash thus making it a more laborious task cleaning the can. Also, sharp objects may prick you when removing your garbage bag and lead to contraction of tetanus.


Although you may not know it yet, most electronic appliances contain heavy metals of the likes of cadmium and lead. By disposing of this kind of waste in your kitchen or outdoor trash can, it does not decay when disposed to systems and thus leading to the filling of most landfills. Additionally, this can be used for other purposes. Therefore you need to take them to the nearest e-waste center any.


In most states, dumping oil in your trash can is an offense. Why? One would ask. Once the oil is in the trash can, it might leak and spill to the environment. This is later washed up to water bodies where it forms a film over the water and leads to the death of aquatic life. Additionally, for waste that will be recycled, oil that has mixed up with other components is useless.

To dispose of waste effectively, seal it in a leak-proof bottle and place it in the recyclables.


By avoiding the disposal of the above materials into your trash can, can you get to protect yourself from harm and keep the environment in good shape? Why risk injuring yourself due to improper disposal? Dispose of waste in the right manner and get a safer environment.

For more detail about trash can please visit http://bestoutdoortrashcan.com/

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