Chipotle Vegan Travel Hack

in travel-hack •  8 years ago 

Chipotle Vegan Travel Hack

One of the main issues with taking a road trip in the states while vegan is the accessibility of food. It can be difficult to pack enough snacks for a long road trip. In addition, when flying through airports, there are not a lot of vegan options. However, if you are stopping at a large airport hub, chances are there will be a Chipotle (cue the vine of the kid who loves Chipotle). The only issue with Chipotle is that it can get expensive. Here is how to get quite a lot of Chipotle calories for your dollar. This works if you are a simple rice and beans guy like I am.

Step 1

Pull up at the nearest Chipotle.

Step 2

When it’s time to order, ask for a bowl.

Step 3

Choose either white or brown rice (I prefer brown).

Step 4

Ask for extra rice.

Step 5

Ask for black beans when they move your bowl over.

Step 6

Decline any other toppings.

Step 7

If everything worked out the way it was supposed to, you should be charged for a side. Remind the cashier if it is not marked as a side that you just ordered rice & beans. I am usually charged $0.95 per side excluding tax. This beats the bowl. If the hack works, get back in line and do it again. They will remember your face, and you will fill yourself up on large bowls of rice & beans without paying burrito prices.

Note: This has worked every time I have been at a Chipotle with the exception of once. That was because they filled it with a ton of rice and beans so they charged me bowl pricing. This works especially well at the smaller locations in airports.

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