Cooking with saltwater from the ocean | Van-life travel-hacks

in travel-hacks •  4 years ago 

Using good salt in the kitchen on the road is always a good idea. Some claim Himalayan salt is pristine while others recommend using any unprocessed natural sea salt that will do the trick just fine.

Well, we are at the Adriatic Sea, part of the Mediterranean Ocean and we have found a simple and marvelously efficient hack to getting our food rich and salty without using any salt at all - by cooking our carbohydrates directly in saltwater from the ocean.


Saltwater - clear and plenty

Being in areas near the ocean has many benefits - you can save a lot of water for your daily needs and need to refill your tanks less often. Washing clothes, taking "showers" and cooking become an easy thing to do whenever you want.

The water here is clear and rich - the food cooked in this water is saltier than some may dig but I just love that level of saltiness. You could always mix the sea water with drinking water to get your perfect level of saltiness just the way you like it. You could also rinse your food after cooking with fresh water and it will have a near perfect degree of salt in its final taste. Cooking with sea water invites experimenters!

If we roughly calculate the amount of salt we can save doing this we realize we hardly need any salt at all anymore. It had already been efficient before this saltwater hack but now we find we are living in sheer salt abundance that can save us some storage room and the worry about finding unprocessed salt on our travels.

Sea water is a great source of salt and speaking from an energetic level the water from the ocean is carrying a lot of information, it is water that radiates life and has never been a problem in our stomachs nor in our system. We feel great!

You may have to do some experiments where you live before you go use that water for cooking though, as oceans can differ and the water may have different energetics than the one we are used to here. A great way to use your own senses to determine how trustworthy a water source is.

But for us at the Adriatic Sea, the food is perfect for spicing because of its high salt content. It results in high information density dishes that taste whole, rich and powerful especially if you are salt nut like me.

I really can't wait for our rice pan tonight boiled in Adria water with some added veggies and spices. ahahahaha <3

Go try it out!


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