The Last leg/Arrival/New setting (Photo Blog)

in travel •  7 years ago 

I couldn't decide on the title of this blog so I gave it three! It covers the last leg of my journey (first name) and my arrival (2nd name) to a new setting (third name) LRM_EXPORT_20180116_170914.jpg
Some scenes from the bus. . . The motorbike is king here.LRM_EXPORT_20180116_170849.jpg
There are many ways to transport people . . .LRM_EXPORT_20180116_170849.jpg
Many ways to transport goods . . .LRM_EXPORT_20180116_170823.jpg
I spent the journey looking out taking in the sites of this new place, all I can compare it to is India . . . The smells often remind me of India, funny how poor sanitation can trigger memories. To pass the time of the journey I filmed some shape making at the back of the bus (to be featured in my next Dtube video) i created a routine with one of my travel buddies, it was great that she was keen to learn the niche art of tutting and even more niche art of the hand pretzel ! LRM_EXPORT_20180116_202439.jpg
I bid fairwell to the girls on arrival to Sihanoukville, they are off to the parodies island kho rhong, would be nice to see them again, maybe I will but who knows, that's traveling, enjoy the moment.
I took a tuc tuc . . .LRM_EXPORT_20180116_170803.jpgLRM_EXPORT_20180116_170737.jpg
I'm one more stray cat in Otres village now. IMG_20180115_202717_847.jpg

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