Norway Road Trip Stop 1: Lillehammer, the Little Olympic Town | 2 SBD Trivia Prize | Adventure Every Day

in travel •  7 years ago 

Lillehammer: a city you probably would have never heard of if it didn't have a cool name and host the '94 Winter Olympics!


My mom came to visit me in Norway, so of course I wanted to show her around the country as much as possible. Therefore, we took off on our Great Norwegian Road Trip Adventure Weekend!

First stop: Lillehammer!

This wasn't my first time in Lillehammer, however. I did visit earlier this year as well with my girlfriend and some friends, and I finally got around to making a video from the trip.

Part of the reason it took so long was that I used the opportunity to try to improve my logo and quality of my videos with some effects, so I hope you like the new look - let me know what you think! (I'm not entirely thrilled with it myself, but I'll get there eventually!)

Here is the film:

I want to talk a bit more about a couple things in the film, but first, let's take a closer look at Lillehammer the city town.

Wo ist das?

Lillehammer is located about two hours directly north of Oslo on E6 in Oppland county:


Much of the drive on the way there goes along Mjøsa, Norway's largest lake. So even though it is a somewhat dull drive on the motorway, it still comes with plenty of beautiful Norwegian landscapes.

The town itself has a population of around 27,500 people, so as you can imagine, it's not all that big. This is a somewhat surprising fact considering that it hosted the 1994 Olympic Games. It's hard to imagine how such a small town with really only two main roads going in and out was able to accommodate the large crowds from all over the world that the Olympics draws, but apparently they did.

Speaking of which...

Norges Olympiske Museum


One of the main attractions in the city today is the Olympic museum, which commemorates not only the '94 Games but the Olympics in general. A worthy stop if you're passing through.

Plus, you get a chance to try out everyone's favorite Winter Olympics sport (well, behind curling of course): biathlon, where you get to sprint on skis until you are exhausted and then pull out rifles to shoot at tiny, far away targets.

No surprise they picked this to be the simulator sport. After all, Norway absolutely rakes in this event, specifically this guy, Ole Einar Bjørndalen, who has the most all-time Winter Olympics medals with 13. (Coincidentally, his last name means "the bear valley". Maybe that has something to do with it...)

Maihaugen Outdoor Museum


Directly behind the Olympic Museum is Maihaugen, an outdoor cultural park that is basically a slightly smaller version of the Norsk Folkemuseum in Oslo.

It features over 200 buildings from a wide range of eras, from several hundred years ago to modern day. This includes the Garmo stavkirke (stave church) pictured here. Stave churches are viking-inspired wooden cathedrals from the middle Ages (perhaps more on this next post).

The one sitting here dates back to the 1200s and was originally located in a town called Lom. It was moved to it's current location in Maihaugen in 1921.

Admission to Maihaugen can be combined with the ticket for the Olympic Museum, so these make for a great pair to check out if you have the time.

Storgata and Nikkers Restaurant


Storgata is one of the main streets passing through the downtown of this quaint little town. Storgata literally means "the big street" (essentially Main St.), so I guess that's pretty appropriate.

Part of it is closed off to vehicle traffic, and there you will find stretch of upscale shops if you're into that sort of thing. As you can imagine it's not exactly my cup of tea haha, but it's a nice walk through.

At the west end of the street lies Nikkers Restaurant, a rather touristy place but with nice atmosphere. They are famous for a moose sculpture where the head is on the inside of the restaurant and the rear end sticks out the back:



According to the sign next to it, it is illegal in Canada to throw a live moose out of an airplane, and illegal in the US to give alcohol to a moose. It does not specify whether these behaviors are permitted in Norway, but I don't recommend trying either!

The nicest part about Nikkers is sitting on the outside patio right next to the creek. Mom and I were lucky enough to have nice enough weather to sit out and enjoy a meal. I wouldn't necessarily recommend Nikkers for the food alone (though it was decent), but if the weather cooperates it's for sure worth it for these kind of views:





Trivia Time - 2 SBD prize for the first correct answer

Name the TV series that featured this building, and the name of it in the series (hint: there are a ton of clues in the video):


First correct answer wins the prize! And by the way, the trivia question from my previous post about getting a Norwegian driver's license still hasn't been answered correctly, so feel free to check that one out as well.

Okay that's all for Lillehammer. Join me next time as we explore a stave church and a grass-roof cabin!

Adventure Every Day is a travel & exploration channel started in 2016. In addition to the Steemit blog, I post short films of my adventures to the Adventure Every Day YouTube channel.

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Beautiful! Thank you for sharing. :)

Is the answer to your quiz question - Lilyhammer ?

The TV series was Lilyhammer and the building was called Flamingo ;)

Heck yeah @steingal! I already awarded 2 SBD to @superstar2018, but since I had overlooked that the bar name was supposed to be included, I'll send you an SBD as well :)

A fan of the series I take it?

Haha thanks!;) Im a superfan :D I also live in Lillehammer - this was a great post!!

Å så bra! I'm glad you enjoyed it - I've certainly had fun in Lillehammer when I've been there!

Pleased to meet you. My sister lived in Stavanger.

That's great! Did you get a chance to visit while she was here?

No, that was from 2002-2004. Sister lives in Australia now.
I won't visit her when I am in Australia. :(

And thank you for commenting - with the correct answer!! You are a superstar! I shall send you the 2 SBD ASAP.

Have you watched the series?

No, I haven't watched it. I have attempted your other quiz on road signs now.

Norway, the most beautiful country in the world. Even after 4 years of visits, you still give me something new everytime. Norwegians: thank you!

Indeed it is gorgeous! I'm glad to be able to share it on here. Hope you get to come back again soon and check out Lillehammer, which is cool, but as you already know, the fjords are where it's at!

I'm glad you like our country ;) I'm sure you're aware of it, but there's lots of cool posts from Norway over at the #Norway tag.

Ja, jeg elsker dette landet ;-)

Hvor i Norge kommer du fra?

Jeg kommer fra Grenlandsområdet :)

Great post about a beautiful place! I've been to Lillehammer probably 10 times in my life, and I've had a great time every single time. I really love the main street in Lillehammer; it's just so beautiful to walk alongside. It's been a few years since my last visit now, but I have plans to bring my son to Hunderfossen (a theme park close to Lillehammer) in a few years time once he's gotten a bit older.

That's awesome valth thanks for commenting! I do want to check out Hunderfossen sometime myself, not the least of which because I believe it was the park featured prominently in a Lilyhammer episode haha. I still haven't been to Lilleputthammer either. Do you recommend that?

I haven't really been there since I was 10 years old or so, so my information is 15 years old :P However, I have good memories from that place. It was really cool to go there as a child. I'm not sure how interesting it will be for adults to visit to be honest. But it's for sure a nice place to visit if you're traveling with children! They will love it ;)

I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.

- Winston Churchill

Beautiful! Thank you for sharing........
I like your post...

Thank you!

there is a miss ... !!